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* And there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before Jehovah ; and Satan came also among them . * And Jehovah said to Satan , Whence comest thou ? And Satan answered Jehovah and said , From going to and fro in the earth , and from walking up and down in it . * And Jehovah said to Satan , Hast thou considered my servant Job , that there is none like him on the earth , a perfect and an upright man , one that feareth God and abstaineth from evil ? * And Satan answered Jehovah and said , Doth Job fear God for nought ? * Hast not thou made a hedge about him , and about his house , and about all that he hath on every side ? Thou hast blessed the work of his hands , and his substance is spread abroad in the land . * But put forth thy hand now and touch all that he hath , [and see ] if he will not curse thee to thy face ! * And Jehovah said to Satan , Behold , all that he hath is in thy hand ; only upon himself put not forth thy hand . So Satan went forth from the presence of Jehovah . * And there was a day when his sons and his daughters were eating and drinking wine in the house of their brother , the firstborn . * And there came a messenger to Job and said , The oxen were ploughing , and the asses feeding beside them ; * and [they of ] Sheba fell [upon them ] and took them , and the servants have they smitten with the edge of the sword ; and I only am escaped , alone , to tell thee . * While he was yet speaking , there came another and said , The fire of God fell from heaven and burned up the sheep and the servants , and consumed them ; and I only am escaped , alone , to tell thee . * While he was yet speaking , there came another and said , The Chaldeans made three bands , and fell upon the camels and took them , and the servants have they smitten with the edge of the sword ; and I only am escaped , alone , to tell thee . * While he was yet speaking , there came another and said , Thy sons and thy daughters were eating and drinking wine in the house of their brother , the firstborn ; * and behold , there came a great wind from over the wilderness , and smote the four corners of the house , and it fell upon the young men , and they died ; and I only am escaped , alone , to tell thee . * And Job rose up , and rent his mantle , and shaved his head , and fell down on the ground , and worshipped ; * and he said , Naked came I out of my mother 's womb , and naked shall I return thither : Jehovah gave , and Jehovah hath taken away ; blessed be the name of Jehovah ! * In all this Job sinned not , nor ascribed anything unseemly to God .

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[BookofJob] [Job] [Job:1] [Job:2] [Discuss] Tag Job:1:6-22 [Audio][Presentation]