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* In (note :)The Son of God is of one and the selfsame eternity or everlastingness , and of one and the selfsame essence or nature with the Father .(:note ) the From the beginning , as the evangelist says in ( 1Jo_1:1 ); it is as though he said that the Word did not begin to have his being when God began to make all that was made : for the Word was even then when all things that were made began to be made , and therefore he was before the beginning of all things . beginning Had his being . was This word «the » points out to us a peculiar and choice thing above all others , and puts a difference between this «Word », which is the Son of God , and the laws of God , which are also called the word of God . the Word , and the Word was This word «with » points out that there is a distinction of persons here . with God , and the This word «Word » is the first in order in the sentence , and is the subject of the sentence , and this word «God » is the latter in order , and is the predicate of the sentence . Word was God . * This same was in the beginning with God . * * * * * The same came for a witness , to bear witness of the Light , that all [men ] (note :)Through John .(:note ) through him might believe . * He was not (note :)That light which we spoke of , that is , Christ , who alone can enlighten our darkness .(:note ) that Light , but [was sent ] to bear witness of that Light . * * * He came (note :)The Word showed himself again when he came in the flesh .(:note ) unto his own , and his own received him not . * * Which were born , not of blood , nor of the (note :)Of that shameful and corrupt nature of man , which is throughout the scriptures described as an enemy of the spirit .(:note ) will of the flesh , nor of the will of man , but of God . * * * * For the Lawe was giuen by Moses , but grace , and trueth came by Iesus Christ . * * * And he (note :)He did acknowledge him , and spoke of him plainly and openly .(:note ) confessed , and This repeating of the one and the selfsame thing , though in different words , is often used by the Hebrews , and it has great force , for they used to speak one thing twice in order to set it out more certainly and plainly . denied not ; but confessed , I am not the Christ . * And they asked him , What then ? Art thou Elias ? And he saith , (note :)The Jews thought that Elias would come again before the days of the Messiah , and they took as the basis of their opinion ( Mal_4:5 ), which is to be understood as referring to John , see ( Mat_11:14 ). And yet John denies that he is Elias , answering their question just as they meant it .(:note ) I am not . Art thou They are inquiring about some great prophet , and not about Christ , for John denied before that he is Christ , for they thought that some great prophet would be sent like Moses , using to support this position ( Deu_18:15 ), which is to be understood to refer to all the company of the prophets and ministers , which have been and shall be to the end , and especially of Christ who is the head of all prophets . that prophet ? And he answered , No . * Then said they vnto him , Who art thou , that we may giue an answere to them that sent vs ? What sayest thou of thy selfe ? * He said , I am the voyce of him that cryeth in the wildernesse , Make straight the way of the Lord , as said the Prophet Esaias . * * And they asked him , and said unto him , (note :)By this we may prove that the Jews knew there should be some change in religion under the Messiah .(:note ) Why baptizest thou then , if thou be not that Christ , nor Elias , neither that prophet ? * John answered them , saying , I baptize with water : but there standeth one (note :)Whom all the world sees , and sees even amongst you .(:note ) among you , whom ye know not ; * He it is that commeth after me , which was before me , whose shoe latchet I am not worthie to vnloose . * These things were done in Bethabara beyond Iordan , where Iohn did baptize . * * This is he of whom I saide , After me commeth a man , which was before me : for he was better then I . * And (note :)I never knew him by face before .(:note ) I knew him not : but that he should be made manifest to Israel , therefore am I come baptizing with water . * * And I knewe him not : but he that sent me to baptize with water , he saide vnto me , Vpon whom thou shalt see that Spirit come downe , and tary still on him , that is he which baptizeth with the holy Ghost . * And I saw , and bare record that this is (note :)This word «the » points out to us some excellent thing , and makes a distinction between Christ and others , whom Moses and the prophets commonly call the sons of the most High .(:note ) the Son of God . * * * * Then Jesus turned , and saw them following , and saith unto them , What seek ye ? They said unto him , Rabbi , (which is to say , being interpreted , Master ,) (note :)Where is your lodging ?(:note ) where dwellest thou ? * He saith unto them , Come and see . They came and saw where he dwelt , and abode with him that day : for it was about the (note :)It was getting later in the night .(:note ) tenth hour . * Andrewe , Simon Peters brother , was one of the two which had heard it of Iohn , and that followed him . * He first findeth his own brother Simon , and saith unto him , We have found the Messias , which is , being interpreted , the (note :)That is , anointed , and king after the manner of the Jewish people .(:note ) Christ . * And he brought him to Iesus ; Iesus behelde him , and saide , Thou art Simon the sonne of Iona : thou shalt be called Cephas , which is by interpretation , a stone . * The day following , Iesus woulde goe into Galile , and founde Philip , and said vnto him , Followe me . * Nowe Philip was of Bethsaida , the citie of Andrewe and Peter . * * * * * Nathanael answered , and saide vnto him , Rabbi , thou art that Sonne of God : thou art that King of Israel . * Iesus answered , and sayde vnto him , Because I sayde vnto thee , I sawe thee vnder the figtree , beleeuest thou ? thou shalt see greater things then these . * And he saith unto him , Verily , verily , I say unto you , Hereafter ye shall see heaven open , and the angels of God (note :)These words signify the power of God which would appear in Christ 's ministry by the angels serving him as the head of the Church .(:note ) ascending and descending upon the Son of man .

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