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* Originally , was , the Word , and , the Word , was , with God ; and , the Word , was , God . * The same , was originally , with God . * All things , through him , came into existence , and , without him , came into existence , not even one thing : that which hath come into existence , * in him , was , life , and , the life , was , the light of men . * And , the light , in the darkness , shineth ; and , the darkness , thereof , laid not hold . * There arose a man , sent from God , whose name was , John : * The same , came , for a witness , That he might bear witness , concerning the light , that , all , might believe , through him . * He , was not the light , but , that he might bear witness concerning the light , * It , was The real light that enlighteneth every man Coming into the world . * In the world , he was , and , the world , through him , came into existence , and , the world , knew him not . * Into his own possessions , he came , and , his own people , received him not home . * But , as many as did receive him , he gave , unto them , authority , children of God , to become , unto them who were believing on his name : * Whonot of bloods , nor of the will of the flesh , nor of the will of man , butof God , were born . * And , the Word , became , flesh , and pitched his tent among us , and we gazed upon his glory , a glory , as an Only-begotten from his Father . Full of favour and truth . * (John beareth witness concerning him , and hath cried aloud , sayingthe same , was he that said He who , after me , was coming , before me , hath advanced ; because , my Chief , was he .) * Because , out of his fulness , we all , received , even favour over against favour . * Because , the law , through Moses , was given , favour and truth , through Jesus Christ , came into existence . * No one , hath seen , God , at any time : An Only Begotten God , The One existing within the bosom of the Father , He , hath interpreted * And , this , is the witness of John , when the Jews sent forth unto him , out of Jerusalem , priests and Levites , that they might question him Who art , thou ? * and he confessed , and did not deny , and he confessed I , am not , the Christ ; * and they questioned him What then ? Art , thou , Elijah ? and he saith I am not ; The prophet , art , thou ? and he answered No ! * So they said unto him Who , art thou ? that , an answer , we may give , unto them who sent us , What sayest thou , concerning thyself ? * He said I , am a Voice , of one crying aloud ; In the desert , make ye straight , the way of the Lord : according as said Isaiah the prophet . * And they had been sent forth from among the Pharisees ; * and they questioned him , and said unto him Why , then , dost thou immerse , if , thou , art not , the Christ , nor Elijah , nor , the Prophet ? * John answered them , saying I , immerse , in water . In the midst of you , standeth one , whom , ye , know not ; * after me , coming : Of whom , I , am not worthy that I should unloose the thong of the sandal . * These things , in Bethany , came to pass , beyond the Jordan , where John was , immersing . * On the morrow , he beholdeth Jesus , coming unto him , and saith See ! the Lamb of God , who taketh away the sin of the world . * This , is he , of whom , I , said After me , cometh a man , who , before me , hath advanced , because , my Chief , was he . * And , I , knew him not , but , that he might be manifested unto Israel , therefore , came , I , in water , immersing . * And John bare witness , saying I have gazed upon the Spirit , descending like a dove , out of heaven , and it abode upon him . * And , I , knew him not , but , he that sent me to immerse in water , he , unto me , said Upon whomsoever thou shalt see the Spirit descending and abiding upon him , the same , is he that immerseth in Holy Spirit . * I , therefore , have seen , and borne witness That , this , is , the , Son of God . * On the morrow , again , was John standing , and , from among his disciples , two ; * and , looking at Jesus walking , he saith See ! the Lamb of God ! * and the two disciples hearkened unto him speaking , and they followed Jesus . * But Jesus , turning , and looking at them following , saith unto them What seek ye ? And , they , said unto him Rabbi ! which meaneth , when translated , Teacher , Where abidest thou ? * He saith unto them Be coming , and ye shall see . They came , therefore , and saw where he abode , and , with him , they abode that day . It was about the tenth , hour . * One of the two that heard from John and followed him , was Andrew , the brother of Simon Peter . * The same findeth , first , his own brother Simon , and saith unto him We have found the Messiah ! which is , when translated , Anointed . * He led him unto Jesus . Jesus , looking at him , said Thou , art Simon , the son of John , thou , shalt be called , Cephas ; which is to be translated , Peter . * On the morrow , he desired to go forth into Galilee . And Jesus findeth Philip , and saith unto him Be following me ! * Now Philip was from Bethsaida , of the city of Andrew and Peter . * Philip , findeth , Nathanael , and saith unto him Him , of whom wrote Moses in the law , and the Prophets , have we found .Jesus , son of Joseph , him from Nazareth ! * And Nathanael said unto him Out of Nazareth , can any good thing come ? Philip saith unto him Come , and see ! * Jesus saw Nathanael coming unto him , and saith concerning him See ! Truly , an Israelite , in whom is no guile . * Nathanael saith unto him Whence , dost thou , know , me ? Jesus answered , and said unto him Before Philip called thee , when thou wast under the fig-tree , I saw thee . * Nathanael answered him Rabbi ! thou , art , the Son of God : Thou , art , King , of Israel . * Jesus answered , and said unto him Because I said unto thee , I saw thee under the fig-tree , believest thou ? A greater thing than these , shalt thou see ! * And he saith unto him Verily , verily , I say unto you : Ye shall see heavenwhen set open , and , the messengers of God , ascending and descending unto the Son of Man .

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