
rwp@John:10:1 @{Verily, Verily} (\Amˆn, amˆn\). Solemn prelude by repetition as in strkjv@1:51|. The words do not ever introduce a fresh topic (cf. strkjv@8:34,51,58|). Songs:in strkjv@10:7|. The Pharisees had previously assumed (Vincent) they alone were the authoritative guides of the people (9:24,29|). Songs:Jesus has a direct word for them. Songs:Jesus begins this allegory in a characteristic way. John does not use the word \parabolˆ\, but \paroimia\ (verse 6|), and it really is an allegory of the Good Shepherd and self-explanatory like that of the Prodigal Son in strkjv@Luke:15|. He first tells it in verses 1-5| and then explains and expands it in verses 7-18|. {Into the fold of the sheep} (\eis tˆn aulˆn t“n probat“n\). Originally \aulˆ\ (from \a“\, to blow) in Homer's time was just an uncovered space around the house enclosed by a wall, then a roofless enclosure in the country where flocks were herded as here and verse 16|. It later came to mean the house itself or palace (Matthew:26:3,58|, etc.). In the papyri it means the court attached to the house. {Climbeth up} (\anabain“n\). Present active participle of \anabain“\, to go up. One who goes up, not by the door, has to climb up over the wall. {Some other way} (\allachothen\). Rare word for old \allothen\, but in 4Macc. strkjv@1:7 and in a papyrus. Only here in N.T. {The same} (\ekeinos\). "That one" just described. {Is a thief and a robber} (\kleptˆs estin kai lˆistˆs\). Both old and common words (from \klept“\, to steal, \lˆizomai\, to plunder). The distinction is preserved in the N.T. as here. Judas was a \kleptˆs\ (John:12:6|), Barabbas a robber (18:40|) like the two robbers (Matthew:27:38,44|) crucified with Jesus erroneously termed thieves like "the thief on the cross" by most people. See strkjv@Mark:11:17|. Here the man jumping over the wall comes to steal and to do it by violence like a bandit. He is both thief and robber.

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