
rwp@John:10:18 @{No one taketh it away from me} (\oudeis airei autˆn ap' emou\). But Aleph B read \ˆren\ (first aorist active indicative of \air“\, to take away), probably correct (Westcott and Hort). "John is representing Jesus as speaking _sub specie aeternitatis_" (Bernard). He speaks of his death as already past and the resurrection as already accomplished. Cf. strkjv@John:3:16|. {Of myself} (\ap' emautou\). The voluntariness of the death of Jesus repeated and sharpened. D omits it, probably because of superficial and apparent conflict with strkjv@5:19|. But there is no inconsistency as is shown by strkjv@John:3:16; strkjv@Romans:5:8|. The Father "gave" the Son who was glad to be given and to give himself. {I have power to lay it down} (\exousian ech“ theinai autˆn\). \Exousia\ is not an easy word to translate (right, authority, power, privilege). See strkjv@1:12|. Restatement of the voluntariness of his death for the sheep.

rwp@John:10:18 @{And I have power to take it again} (\kai exousian ech“ palin labein autˆn\). Note second aorist active infinitive in both cases (\theinai\ from \tithˆmi\ and \labein\ from \lamban“\), single acts. Recall strkjv@2:19| where Jesus said: "And in three days I will raise it up." He did not mean that he will raise himself from the dead independently of the Father as the active agent (Romans:8:11|). {I received from my Father} (\elabon para tou patros mou\). Second aorist active indicative of \lamban“\. He always follows the Father's command (\entolˆ\) in all things (12:49f.; strkjv@14:31|). Songs:now he is doing the Father's will about his death and resurrection.

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