
rwp@John:10:28 @{And I give unto them eternal life} (\kag“ did“mi autois z“ˆn ai“nion\). This is the gift of Jesus now to his sheep as stated in strkjv@6:27,40| (cf. strkjv@1John:2:25; strkjv@5:11|). {And they shall never perish} (\kai ou mˆ apol“ntai\). Emphatic double negative with second aorist middle (intransitive) subjunctive of \apollumi\, to destroy. The sheep may feel secure (3:16; strkjv@6:39; strkjv@17:12; strkjv@18:9|). {And no one shall snatch them out of my hand} (\kai ouch harpasei tis auta ek tˆs cheiros mou\). Jesus had promised this security in Galilee (6:37,39|). No wolf, no thief, no bandit, no hireling, no demon, not even the devil can pluck the sheep out of my hand. Cf. strkjv@Colossians:3:3| (Your life is hid together with Christ in God).

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