
rwp@John:10:38 @{But if I do} (\ei de poi“\). Condition again of the first class, assumed as true, but with the opposite results. {Though ye believe not me} (\kan emoi mˆ pisteuˆte\). Condition now of third class, undetermined (but with prospect), "Even if you keep on (present active subjunctive of \pisteuo\) not believing me." {Believe the works} (\tois ergois pisteuete\). These stand irrefutable. The claims, character, words, and works of Jesus challenge the world today as then. {That ye may know and understand} (\hina gn“te kai gin“skˆte\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the same verb \gin“sk“\ repeated in different tenses (first \gn“te\, the second ingressive aorist active subjunctive, that ye may come to know; then the present active subjunctive, "that ye may keep on knowing"). This is Christ's deepest wish about his enemies who stand with stones in their uplifted hands to fling at him. {That the Father is in me, and I in the Father} (\hoti en emoi ho patˆr kag“ en t“i patri\). Thus he repeats (verse 30|) sharply his real claim to oneness with the Father as his Son, to actual deity. It was a hopeless wish.

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