
rwp@John:12:23 @{The hour is come} (\elˆluthen hˆ h“ra\). The predestined hour, seen from the start (2:4|), mentioned by John (7:30; strkjv@8:20|) as not yet come and later as known by Jesus as come (13:1|), twice again used by Jesus as already come (in the prayer of Jesus, strkjv@17:1; strkjv@Mark:14:41|, just before the betrayal in the Garden). The request from the Greeks for this interview stirs the heart of Jesus to its depths. {That the Son of man should be glorified} (\hina doxasthˆi ho huios tou anthr“pou\). Purpose clause with \hina\ (not in the sense of \hote\, when) and the first aorist passive subjunctive of \doxaz“\, same sense as in strkjv@12:16, strkjv@13:31|. The Cross must come before Greeks can really come to Jesus with understanding. But this request shows that interest in Jesus now extends beyond the Jewish circles.

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