
orthjbc@John:12:1 @ Then Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach came into Beit-Anyan (note:)Bethany(:note) shesh yamim before Pesach. This was the place where El'azar was, whom Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach made to stand up alive from the mesim. THE ISHA USES MISHCHA TO PREPARE HAGUF OF REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH FOR KEVURAH MT strkjv@26:6-13; MK strkjv@14:3-9

orthjbc@John:12:2 @ Then they made Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach a seudah there. And Marta was serving, and El'azar was one of the ones reclining at tish with Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.

orthjbc@John:12:3 @ Then Miryam having taken a pound of mishcha (note:)ointment(:note) of genuine expensive spikenard, anointed the feet of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach and wiped off with her hair his feet and the bais was filled with the aroma of the mishcha.

orthjbc@John:12:4 @ And Yehuda from K'riot, one of the talmidim of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, the talmid being about to betray him, says

orthjbc@John:12:5 @ "Why was this mishcha not sold for three hundred denarii and given to haAniyim (note:)the Poor(:note)?"

orthjbc@John:12:6 @ But he said this not because it mattered about haAniyim, but because he was a ganav and he was removing what was put in the aron otzaram (note:)chest of treasury(:note).

orthjbc@John:12:7 @ Therefore Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, "Let her alone. She kept this for the Yom haKevurah (note:)Day of Burial(:note) of me.

orthjbc@John:12:8 @ "For haAniyim you have always with you, but you do not always have me." [Devarim strkjv@15:11] THE PLOT AGAINST EL'AZAR

orthjbc@John:12:9 @ When the great multitude of the Yehudim had da'as of where Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was, they came not only because of him but also because of El'azar, that they may see the one whom he made to stand up alive from the mesim.

orthjbc@John:12:10 @ But the Rashei Hakohanim took counsel that they also might kill El'azar,

orthjbc@John:12:11 @ because many of the Yehudim were leaving and believing in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach on account of El'azar. REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH'S TRIUMPHAL ENTRY INTO YERUSHALAYIM (note:)MT strkjv@21:1-11; MK strkjv@11:1-10; LK strkjv@19:28-38; ZECHARYAH strkjv@14:4(:note); THE PUBLICITY SURROUNDING THE RAISING OF EL'AZAR CREATES A VAST CROWD FOR THE ENTRANCE OF A DEATH-CONQUERING MELECH BEN DOVID INTO THE CITY OF DOVID

orthjbc@John:12:12 @ On the next day the great multitude, the one having come to the Chag (note:)Feast(:note), having heard that Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach is coming to Yerushalayim,

orthjbc@John:12:13 @ took the branches of the temarim (note:)palm trees(:note) [Vayikra strkjv@23:40] and went out to a meeting with him and were crying out, "HOSHAN NAH [Tehillim strkjv@118:25-26] BARUCH HABAH B'SHEM ADONAI! Zefanyah strkjv@3:15 Targum Ha-Shivim Septuagint] Melech Yisroel!"

orthjbc@John:12:14 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach found an ayir (note:)young donkey(:note), and he sat on it, just as it has been written,

orthjbc@John:12:15 @ "Do not fear BAT TZIYON, HINEI MALKECH YAVO LACH ROKHEV AL AYIR BEN ATONOT ("Do not fear, Daughter of Zion, Look, Your King is coming, siting on a foal of donkeys" [Zecharyah strkjv@9:9; Yeshayah strkjv@35:4; Zefanyah strkjv@3:14f Targum Ha-Shivim (note:)Septuagint(:note)]

orthjbc@John:12:16 @ Regarding these things his talmidim did not have binah (note:)understanding(:note) in the beginning but when Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach received kavod, then they remembered that these things had been written with respect to him and that they did these things to him.

orthjbc@John:12:17 @ So the crowd that had been with Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach when he called El'azar out of the kever and made him stand up alive from the mesim were giving solemn edut (note:)testimony(:note).

orthjbc@John:12:18 @ Therefore, the multitude met Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach because they heard him to have done this ot (note:)miraculous sign(:note).

orthjbc@John:12:19 @ Therefore the Perushim said to themselves, "You see, you can do nothing! Kol Bnei Adam have gone after him." YEVANIM (note:)GREEKS(:note) HAVE A KVITTEL PETITION AND SEEK REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH

orthjbc@John:12:20 @ Now there were some Yevanim among the ones going up to worship at the Chag (note:)Feast(:note).

orthjbc@John:12:21 @ These ones, therefore, approached Philippos from Beit-Tzaidah of the Galil, and were asking him, "Sir, we want to see Yehoshua.

orthjbc@John:12:22 @ Philippos comes and tells Andrew and Andrew and Philippos come and tell Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.

orthjbc@John:12:23 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach answers them, saying, "The sha'ah (note:)hour, time(:note) has come that the Ben HaAdam may receive kavod." REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH ON MESIRAT NEFESH SELF-SACRIFICE AND BITTUL HAYESH ABANDONMENT OF SELF

orthjbc@John:12:24 @ "Omein, omein, I say to you, unless the gargeer hakhitah (note:)grain of wheat(:note) having fallen into the ground, dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, much p'ri it bears.

orthjbc@John:12:25 @ "The Ohev of his neshamah will lose it, but the Soneh (note:)Hater(:note) of his neshamah in the Olam Hazeh will keep it unto Chayyei Olam.

orthjbc@John:12:26 @ "If anyone serves me, let him follow me, and where I am, there also my eved (note:)servant(:note) will be. If anyone serves me, HaAv will honor him." ON THE HAGBA LIFTING UP OF REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH

orthjbc@John:12:27 @ "Now my neshamah (note:)soul(:note) has been troubled, and what may I say? Save me from this sha'ah? No, it is for this tachlis that I came to this sha'ah. [Tehillim strkjv@6:3,4f; strkjv@42:5,11]

orthjbc@John:12:28 @ "Avi, bring kavod to your Name." A kol (note:)voice(:note) came out of Shomayim, "I have both brought kavod to it and I will bring kavod to it again."

orthjbc@John:12:29 @ Therefore, the multitude, that was standing there and heard, said, "That was ra'am (note:)thunder(:note)! Others were saying, "A malach angel has spoken to him!" [Iyov strkjv@37:5; Bereshis strkjv@21:17]

orthjbc@John:12:30 @ In reply, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, "Not for my sake has this kol come, but for yours. [Shemot strkjv@19:9]

orthjbc@John:12:31 @ "Now is the mishpat (note:)judgment(:note) of the Olam Hazeh. Now the Sar HaOlam Hazeh will be cast out!

orthjbc@John:12:32 @ "And if I receive the HAGBA (note:)lifting up(:note) from ha'aretz, I will draw kol bnei Adam to myself." [Yeshayah strkjv@11:10]

orthjbc@John:12:33 @ And this Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was saying, signifying by what kind of mavet (note:)death(:note) he was about to die.

orthjbc@John:12:34 @ Then the crowd answered Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, "We heard from the Torah that the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach remains l'Olam (note:)forever(:note) and how do you say that it is necessary for the Ben HaAdam to be lifted up? Who is this Ben HaAdam?" [Tehillim strkjv@89:4,36-37; strkjv@110:4; Yeshayah strkjv@9:7; Yechezkel strkjv@37:25; Daniel strkjv@7:14]

orthjbc@John:12:35 @ Therefore, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "Yet a little time is the Ohr (note:)Light(:note) among you. Walk while you have the Ohr lest choshech darkness overtakes you; the one walking in the choshech darkness does not have da'as of where he is going.

orthjbc@John:12:36 @ "While you have the Ohr (note:)Light(:note), walk in the Ohr Light that you may become Bnei HaOhr." THE LACK OF EMUNAH OF THOSE OF YEHUDAH These things spoke Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach. And, having gone away, he was hidden from them.

orthjbc@John:12:37 @ Though so many otot (note:)miraculous signs(:note) he had done before them, they lacked emunah in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach,

orthjbc@John:12:38 @ that the dvar of Yeshayah the Navi may be fulfilled, which said, "Adonoi, MI HE'EMIN LISHMU'ATEINU UZERO'A HASHEM AL-MI NIGLATAH? ("Who has believed our report and to whom is the arm of Hashem revealed?"--[Yeshayah strkjv@53:1]

orthjbc@John:12:39 @ Therefore, they were not able to have emunah, because, again Yeshayah said,


orthjbc@John:12:41 @ These things Yeshayah spoke because he saw the kavod (note:)glory(:note) of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach and he spoke about him. [Yeshayah strkjv@6:1-4]

orthjbc@John:12:42 @ Nevertheless, however, even among the manhigim (note:)leaders(:note) many had emunah faith in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach. But because of the Perushim, they were not making hoda'ah confession of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, lest they should be put away under the cherem ban from the shul.

orthjbc@John:12:43 @ For their ahavah was for the kavod anashim rather than the kavod Hashem. [Shmuel Alef strkjv@15:30] JUDGMENT WHEN THE AV BET DIN WILL BE REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH

orthjbc@John:12:44 @ But Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach cried out, "The ma'amin in me does not have emunah in me, but in the One having sent me.

orthjbc@John:12:45 @ "And the one seeing me sees the One having sent me.

orthjbc@John:12:46 @ "I have come as an Ohr (note:)Light(:note) into the Olam Hazeh that everyone believing in me may not remain in the choshech darkness.

orthjbc@John:12:47 @ "And if anyone hears my dvarim and of my dvarim is not shomer, I do not judge him, for I did not come to bring the Olam Hazeh into mishpat, but that I may save the Olam Hazeh.

orthjbc@John:12:48 @ "The one setting me aside and not receiving the dvarim has his Shofet: the dvar which I spoke will judge him on the Yom HaAcharon [i.e. the Yom HaDin].

orthjbc@John:12:49 @ "Because I do not speak on my own, but the one having sent me--HaAv--he has given me a mitzvoh of what I may say and what I may speak.

orthjbc@John:12:50 @ "And I have da'as that the mitzvoh of him is Chayyei Olam. Whatsoever things I speak, I speak, therefore, just as HaAv has told me."

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