
rwp@John:13:14 @{If I then} (\ei oun eg“\). Argumentative sense of \oun\ (therefore). Condition of first class, assumed to be true, with first aorist active indicative of \nipt“\, "If I, being what I am, washed your feet" (as I did). {Ye also ought} (\kai humeis opheilete\). The obligation rests on you _a fortiori_. Present active indicative of the old verb \opheil“\, to owe a debt (Matthew:18:30|). The mutual obligation is to do this or any other needed service. The widows who washed the saints' feet in strkjv@1Timothy:5:10| did it "as an incident-of their hospitable ministrations" (Bernard). Up to 1731 the Lord High Almoner in England washed the feet of poor saints (_pedilavium_) on Thursday before Easter, a custom that arose in the fourth century, and one still practised by the Pope of Rome.

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