
rwp@John:13:38 @{Wilt thou lay down?} (\thˆseis;\). Jesus picks up Peter's very words and challenges his boasted loyalty. See such repetition in strkjv@16:16f.,31; strkjv@21:17|. {Shall not crow} (\ph“nˆsˆi\). Aorist active subjunctive of \ph“ne“\, to use the voice, used of animals and men. Note strong double negative \ou mˆ\. Mark adds \dis\ (twice). John's report is almost identical with that in strkjv@Luke:22:34|. The other disciples joined in Peter's boast (Mark:14:31; strkjv@Matthew:26:35|). {Till thou hast denied} (\he“s hou arnˆsˆi\). Future middle indicative or aorist middle subjunctive second person singular (form identical) with compound conjunction \he“s hou\ (until which time), "till thou deny or deniest" (_futurum exactum_ needless). Peter is silenced for the present. They all "sat astounded and perplexed" (Dods).

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