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* Let not your heart be troubled (5744 ): ye believe (5719 ) (5720 ) in God , believe (5719 ) (5720 ) also in me . * In my Fathers house are (5748 ) many mansions : if it were not so , I would have told (5627 ) you . I go (5736 ) to prepare (5658 ) a place for you . * And if I go (5680 ) and prepare (5661 ) a place for you , I will come (5736 ) again , and receive (5695 ) you unto myself ; that where I am (5748 ), there ye may be (5753 ) also . * And whither I go (5719 ) ye know (5758 ), and the way ye know (5758 ). * Thomas saith (5719 ) unto him , Lord , we know (5758 ) not whither thou goest (5719 ); and how can we (5736 ) know (5760 ) the way ? * Jesus saith (5719 ) unto him , I am (5748 ) the way , the truth , and the life : no man cometh (5736 ) unto the Father , but by me . * If ye had known (5715 ) me , ye should have known (5715 ) my Father also : and from henceforth ye know (5719 ) him , and have seen (5758 ) him . * Philip saith (5719 ) unto him , Lord , shew (5657 ) us the Father , and it sufficeth (5719 ) us . * Jesus saith (5719 ) unto him , Have I been (5748 ) so long time with you , and yet hast thou not known (5758 ) me , Philip ? he that hath seen (5761 ) me hath seen (5758 ) the Father ; and how sayest (5719 ) thou then , Shew (5657 ) us the Father ? * Believest thou (5719 ) not that I am (5748 ) in the Father , and the Father in me ? the words that I speak (5719 ) unto you I speak (5719 ) not of myself : but the Father that dwelleth (5723 ) in me , he doeth (5719 ) the works . * Believe (5720 ) me that I am in the Father , and the Father in me : or else believe (5720 ) me for the very works sake .

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[BookofJohn] [John:13] [John:14] [John:15] [Discuss] Tag John:14:1-11 [Audio][Presentation]