
rwp@John:14:23 @{If a man love me} (\ean tis agapƒi me\). Condition of third class with \ean\ and present active subjunctive, "if one keep on loving me." That is key to the spiritual manifestation (\emphaniz“\). {We will come} (\eleusometha\). Future middle of \erchomai\ and first person plural (the Father and I), not at the judgment, but here and now. {And make our abode with him} (\kai monˆn par' aut“i poiˆsometha\). See verse 2| for the word \monˆ\ (dwelling, abiding place). If the Holy Spirit "abides" (\menei\, verse 17|) in you, that heart becomes a temple (\naos\) of the Holy Spirit (1Corinthians:3:16f.|), and so a fit dwelling place for the Father and the Son, a glorious and uplifting reality.

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