
rwp@John:14:28 @{I go away, and I come} (\hupag“ kai erchomai\), both futuristic presents (7:33; strkjv@14:3,18|). {If ye loved me} (\ei ˆgapƒte me\). Second-class condition with the imperfect active of \agapa“\ referring to present time, implying that the disciples are not loving Jesus as they should. {Ye would have rejoiced} (\echarˆte an\). Second aorist passive indicative of \chair“\ with \an\, conclusion of second-class condition referring to past time, "Ye would already have rejoiced before this" at Christ's going to the Father (verse 12|). {Greater than I} (\meiz“n mou\). Ablative case \mou\ after the comparative \meiz“n\ (from positive \megas\). The filial relation makes this necessary. Not a distinction in nature or essence (cf. strkjv@10:30|), but in rank in the Trinity. No Arianism or Unitarianism here. The very explanation here is proof of the deity of the Son (Dods).

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