
rwp@John:15:16 @{But I chose you} (\all' eg“ exelexamˆn humas\). First aorist middle indicative of \ekleg“\. See this same verb and tense used for the choice of the disciples by Christ (6:70; strkjv@13:18; strkjv@15:19|). Jesus recognizes his own responsibility in the choice after a night of prayer (Luke:6:13|). Songs:Paul was "a vessel of choice" (\skeuos eklogˆs\, strkjv@Acts:9:15|). Appointed (\ethˆka\). First aorist active indicative (\k\ aorist) of \tithˆmi\. Note three present active subjunctives with \hina\ (purpose clause) to emphasize continuance (\hupagˆte\, keep on going, \pherˆte\, keep on bearing fruit, \menˆi\, keep on abiding), not a mere spurt, but permanent growth and fruit-bearing. {He may give} (\d“i\). Second aorist active subjunctive of \did“mi\ with \hina\ (purpose clause). Cf. strkjv@14:13| for the same purpose and promise, but with \poiˆs“\ (I shall do). See also strkjv@16:23f.,26|.

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