
rwp@John:16:2 @{They shall put you out of the synagogues} (\aposunag“gous poiˆsousin humas\). "They will make you outcasts from the synagogues." Predicate accusative of the compound adjective \aposunag“gos\ for which see strkjv@9:22; strkjv@12:42|. {Yea} (\all'\). Use of \alla\ as co-ordinating conjunction, not adversative. {That} (\hina\) not in the sense of "when" (\hote\), but as in strkjv@12:23| for God's purpose (Luke:2:34|, \hop“s\). {Shall think} (\doxˆi\). First aorist active subjunctive of \doke“\. "Songs:blind will he be" (Bernard). {That he offereth service unto God} (\latreian prospherein t“i the“i\). Infinitive (present active) indirect discourse after \doxˆi\. For the phrase see strkjv@Hebrews:6:1ff.; strkjv@8:3ff.; strkjv@9:7ff|. The rabbis so felt when they crucified Jesus and when they persecuted the disciples (Acts:6:13; strkjv@7:57f.|). No persecution is more bitter than when done by religious enthusiasts and bigots like the Spanish Inquisition.

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