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* Nevertheless I tell you the truth , it is expedient for you that I depart , for if I do not depart , the helper will not come to you . But whenever I go , I will send him to you . * And having come , he will convict the world about sin , and about justice , and about judgment . * About sin because they truly did not believe in me , * and about justice because I go to the Father , and ye see me no more , * and about judgment because the ruler of this world has been judged . * I have yet many things to say to you , but ye cannot bear them now . * However when he , the Spirit of truth , comes , he will guide you into all the truth . For he will not speak from himself , but as many things as he may hear , he will speak . And he will report to you the things that are coming . * He will glorify me because he will receive from me , and will report to you .

Seeker Overlay: Off On

[BookofJohn] [John:15] [John:16] [John:17] [Discuss] Tag John:16:7-14 [Audio][Presentation]