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* These (note :)The ministers of the gospel must expect all types of reproaches , not only by those who are open enemies , but even by those also who seem to be of the same household , and the very pillars of the Church .(:note ) things have I spoken unto you , that ye should not be offended . * They shall excommunicate you : yea , the time shall come , that whosoeuer killeth you , will thinke that he doeth God seruice . * And these things will they doe vnto you , because they haue not knowen ye Father , nor me . * But these things haue I tolde you , that when the houre shall come , ye might remember , that I tolde you them ; these things said I not vnto you from ye beginning , because I was with you . * But now I go my way to him that sent me , and none of you asketh me , Whither goest thou ? * But because I haue saide these thinges vnto you , your hearts are full of sorowe . * * * Of sinne , because they beleeued not in me : * Of (note :)Of Christ himself : for when the world will see that I have poured out the Holy Spirit they will be forced to confess that I was just , and was not condemned by my Father when I went out of this world .(:note ) righteousness , because I go to my Father , and ye see me no more ; * Of (note :)Of that authority and power which I have both in heaven and in earth .(:note ) judgment , That is , because they will then understand and indeed know that I have overcome the devil , and govern the world , and then all men will see that they set themselves against you in vain , for I will arm you with heavenly power by which you may destroy every high thing which is lifted up against the knowledge of God ; ( 2Co_10:5 ). because the prince of this world is judged . * * Howbeit , when he is come which is the Spirit of trueth , he will leade you into all trueth : for he shall not speake of himselfe , but whatsoeuer he shall heare , shall he speake , and he will shew you the things to come . * * All thinges that the Father hath , are mine : therefore said I , that he shall take of mine , and shewe it vnto you . * * Then said some of his disciples among them selues , What is this that he saieth vnto vs , A litle while , and ye shall not see me , and againe , a litle while , and ye shall see me , and , For I goe to the Father . * They said therefore , What is this that he saith , A litle while ? we know not what he sayeth . * Now Iesus knew that they would aske him , and said vnto them , Doe ye enquire among your selues , of that I said , A litle while , &amp ; ye shal not see me : and againe , a litle while , and yee shall see me ? * Verely , verely I say vnto you , that ye shall weepe and lament , and the worlde shall reioyce : and ye shall sorowe , but your sorowe shalbe turned to ioye . * A woman when she traueileth , hath sorowe , because her houre is come : but assoone as she is deliuered of the childe , she remembreth no more the anguish , for ioy that a man is borne into the world . * And ye nowe therefore are in sorowe : but I will see you againe , &amp ; your hearts shal reioyce , and your ioy shall no man take from you . * And in that day shall ye aske me nothing . Verely , verely I say vnto you , whatsoeuer ye shall aske the Father in my Name , he will giue it you . * Hitherto haue ye asked nothing in my Name : aske , and ye shall receiue , that your ioye may be full . * * * For the Father himselfe loueth you , because ye haue loued me , and haue beleeued that I came out from God . * I am come out from the Father , and came into the worlde : againe I leaue the worlde , and goe to the Father . * * Nowe knowe wee that thou knowest all things , and needest not that any man should aske thee . By this we beleeue , that thou art come out from God . * Iesus answered them , Doe you beleeue nowe ? * *

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