
rwp@John:17:11 @{And these} (\kai houtoi\ or \autoi\, they). Note adversative use of \kai\ (= but these). {I come} (\erehomai\). Futuristic present, "I am coming." Cf. strkjv@13:3; strkjv@14:12; strkjv@17:13|. Christ will no longer be visibly present to the world, but he will be with the believers through the Holy Spirit (Matthew:28:20|). {Holy Father} (\pater hagie\). Only here in the N.T., but see strkjv@1John:2:20; strkjv@Luke:1:49| for the holiness of God, a thoroughly Jewish conception. See strkjv@John:6:69| where Peter calls Jesus \ho hagios tou theou\. For the word applied to saints see strkjv@Acts:9:13|. See verse 25| for \patˆr dikaie\ (Righteous Father). {Keep them} (\tˆrˆson autous\). First aorist (constative) active imperative of \tˆre“\, as now specially needing the Father's care with Jesus gone (urgency of the aorist tense in prayer). {Which} (\h“i\). Locative case of the neuter relative singular, attracted from the accusative \ho\ to the case of the antecedent \onomati\ (name). {That they may be one} (\hina “sin hen\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the present active subjunctive of \eimi\ (that they may keep on being). Oneness of will and spirit (\hen\, neuter singular), not one person (\heis\, masculine singular) for which Christ does not pray. Each time Jesus uses \hen\ (verses 11,21,22|) and once, \eis hen\, "into one" (verse 23|). This is Christ's prayer for all believers, for unity, not for organic union of which we hear so much. The disciples had union, but lacked unity or oneness of spirit as was shown this very evening at the supper (Luke:22:24; strkjv@John:13:4-15|). Jesus offers the unity in the Trinity (three persons, but one God) as the model for believers. The witness of the disciples will fail without harmony (17:21|).

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