
rwp@John:17:4 @{I glorified thee on the earth} (\eg“ se edoxasa epi tˆs gˆs\). Verse 3| is parenthetical and so verse 4| goes on after verse 2|. He had prayed for further glorification. {Having accomplished} (\telei“sas\). First aorist active participle of \teleio“\, old verb from \teleios\ (perfect). Used in strkjv@4:34| by Jesus with \to ergon\ as here. That was Christ's "food" (\br“ma\) and joy. Now as he faces death he has no sense of failure as some modern critics say, but rather fulness of attainment as in strkjv@19:30| (\tetelestai\). Christ does not die as a disappointed man, but as the successful messenger, apostle (\apesteilƒs\, verse 3|) of the Father to men. {Thou hast given} (\ded“kas\). Perfect active indicative of \did“mi\, regarded as a permanent task.

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