
rwp@John:18:37 @{Art thou a king then?} (\oukoun basileus ei su;\). Compound of \ouk\ and \oun\ and is clearly ironical expecting an affirmative answer, only here in the N.T., and in LXX only in A text in strkjv@2Kings:5:23|. {Thou sayest that} (\su legeis hoti\). In strkjv@Matthew:27:11; strkjv@Mark:15:2; strkjv@Luke:23:3|, \su legeis\ clearly means "yes," as \su eipas\ (thou saidst) does in strkjv@Matthew:26:64| (= "I am," \eg“ eimi\, in strkjv@Mark:41:62|). Hence here \hoti\ had best be taken to mean "because": "Yes, because I am a king." {Have I been born} (\eg“ gegennˆmai\). Perfect passive indicative of \genna“\. The Incarnation was for this purpose. Note repetition of \eis touto\ (for this purpose), explained by \hina marturˆs“ tˆi alˆtheiƒi\ (that I may bear witness to the truth), \hina\ with first aorist active subjunctive of \marture“\. Paul (1Timothy:6:13|) alludes to this good confession when Christ bore witness (\marturˆsantos\) before Pilate. Jesus bore such witness always (John:3:11,32; strkjv@7:7; strkjv@8:14; strkjv@Revelation:1:5|).

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