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* Jesus , having said these things , went out with his disciples beyond the torrent Cedron , where was a garden , into which he entered , he and his disciples . * And Judas also , who delivered him up , knew the place , because Jesus was often there , in company with his disciples . * Judas therefore , having got the band , and officers of the chief priests and Pharisees , comes there with lanterns and torches and weapons . * Jesus therefore , knowing all things that were coming upon him , went forth and said to them , Whom seek ye ? * They answered him , Jesus the Nazaraean . Jesus says to them , I am [he ]. And Judas also , who delivered him up , stood with them . * When therefore he said to them , I am [he ], they went away backward and fell to the ground . * He demanded of them therefore again , Whom seek ye ? And they said , Jesus the Nazaraean . * Jesus answered , I told you that I am [he ]: if therefore ye seek me , let these go away ; * that the word might be fulfilled which he spoke , [As to ] those whom thou hast given me , I have not lost one of them . * Simon Peter therefore , having a sword , drew it , and smote the bondman of the high priest and cut off his right ear ; and the bondman 's name was Malchus . * Jesus therefore said to Peter , Put the sword into the sheath ; the cup which the Father has given me , shall I not drink it ? * The band therefore , and the chiliarch , and the officers of the Jews , took Jesus and bound him : * and they led him away to Annas first ; for he was father-in-law to Caiaphas , who was high priest that year . * But it was Caiaphas who counselled the Jews that it was better that one man should perish for the people . * Now Simon Peter followed Jesus , and the other disciple . But that disciple was known to the high priest , and went in with Jesus into the palace of the high priest ; * but Peter stood at the door without . The other disciple therefore , who was known to the high priest , went out and spoke to the porteress and brought in Peter . * The maid therefore , who was porteress , says to Peter , Art thou also of the disciples of this man ? He says , I am not . * But the bondmen and officers , having made a fire of coals (for it was cold ), stood and warmed themselves ; and Peter was standing with them and warming himself . * The high priest therefore demanded of Jesus concerning his disciples and concerning his doctrine . * Jesus answered him , I spoke openly to the world ; I taught always in [the ] synagogue and in the temple , where all the Jews come together , and in secret I have spoken nothing . * Why demandest thou of me ? Demand of those who have heard , what I have spoken to them ; behold , they know what I have said . * But as he said these things , one of the officers who stood by gave a blow on the face to Jesus , saying , Answerest thou the high priest thus ? * Jesus answered him , If I have spoken evil , bear witness of the evil ; but if well , why smitest thou me ? * Annas [then ] had sent him bound to Caiaphas the high priest . * But Simon Peter was standing and warming himself . They said therefore to him , Art thou also of his disciples ? He denied , and said , I am not . * One of the bondmen of the high priest , who was kinsman of him whose ear Peter cut off , says , Did not I see thee in the garden with him ? * Peter denied therefore again , and immediately [the ] cock crew . * They lead therefore Jesus from Caiaphas to the praetorium ; and it was early morn . And they entered not into the praetorium , that they might not be defiled , but eat the passover . * Pilate therefore went out to them and said , What accusation do ye bring against this man ? * They answered and said to him , If this [man ] were not an evildoer , we should not have delivered him up to thee . * Pilate therefore said to them , Take him , ye , and judge him according to your law . The Jews therefore said to him , It is not permitted to us to put any one to death ; * that the word of Jesus might be fulfilled which he spoke , signifying what death he should die . * Pilate therefore entered again into the praetorium and called Jesus , and said to him , Thou art the king of the Jews ? * Jesus answered [him ], Dost thou say this of thyself , or have others said it to thee concerning me ? * Pilate answered , Am I a Jew ? Thy nation and the chief priests have delivered thee up to me : what hast thou done ? * Jesus answered , My kingdom is not of this world ; if my kingdom were of this world , my servants had fought that I might not be delivered up to the Jews ; but now my kingdom is not from hence . * Pilate therefore said to him , Thou art then a king ? Jesus answered , Thou sayest [it ], that I am a king . I have been born for this , and for this I have come into the world , that I might bear witness to the truth . Every one that is of the truth hears my voice . * Pilate says to him , What is truth ? And having said this he went out again to the Jews , and says to them , I find no fault whatever in him . * But ye have a custom that I release [some ] one to you at the passover ; will ye therefore that I release unto you the king of the Jews ? * They cried therefore again all , saying , Not this [man ], but Barabbas . Now Barabbas was a robber .

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