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* Afterward he went down to Capernaum , he and his mother and his brothers and his disciples , and remained there a few days . * Now the Passover of the Jews was near , so Jesus went up to Jerusalem . * There he found in the temple those who were selling cattle and sheep and doves , and the money-changers sitting there . * So he plaited a scourge of rushes , and drove all out of the temple - both the sheep and oxen . He began to pour out the coins of the money - changers , and to overturn their tables , * and said to those who were selling doves . "Take these things away ! Make not my Fathers house a house of trade ! * His disciples recalled that it is written , The zeal of thine house will devour me . * Then the Jews asked Jesus , "What sign are you going to show us , seeing that you do these things ?" * "Destroy this temple ," answered Jesus , "and in three days I will raise it up ." * The Jews retorted , "This Temple took forty-six years to build , and will you raise it in three days ?" * But he was speaking about the temple of his body ; and when the disciples recalled what he had said , * after he had been raised from the dead , they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had said . * Now when he was in Jerusalem at the feast of the Passover , many believed in his name , when they beheld the signs which he did ; * but for his part Jesus was not trusting himself to them , because he knew all men , * and did not need any ones testimony concerning man , for he himself knew what was in man .

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[BookofJohn] [John:1] [John:2] [John:3] [Discuss] Tag John:2:12-25 [Audio][Presentation]