
rwp@John:2:8 @{Draw out now} (\Antlˆsate nun\). First aorist active imperative of \antle“\, from \ho antlos\, bilge water, or the hold where the bilge water settles (so in Homer). The verb occurs in strkjv@John:4:7,15|, for drawing water from the well, and Westcott so interprets it here, but needlessly so, since the servants seem bidden to draw from the large water-jars now full of water. Apparently the water was still water when it came out of the jars (verse 9|), but was changed to wine before reaching the guests. The water in the jars remained water. {Unto the ruler of the feast} (\t“i architriklin“i\). Dative case. The \triklinos\ was a room (\oikos\) with three couches (\klinˆ\) for the feast. The \architriklinos\ was originally the superintendent of the dining-room who arranged the couches and tasted the food, not the toast-master (\sumposiarchˆs\). {And they bare it} (\hoi de ˆnegkan\). Second aorist active indicative of \pher“\. Apparently not knowing at first that they bore wine.

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