
rwp@John:20:19 @{When therefore it was evening on that day} (\ousˆs oun opsias tˆi hˆmerƒi ekeinei\). Genitive absolute with \opsia\ (\opsios\, late), old word with \h“ra\ (hour) understood and here for the time from six to nine (6:16|) and the locative case of time with \hˆmerƒi\ (day). John often uses this note of time (1:39; strkjv@5:9; strkjv@11:53; strkjv@14:20; strkjv@16:23,26|). The addition of \tˆi miƒi sabbat“n\ (see strkjv@20:1| for this use of \miƒi\ like \pr“tˆi\) proves that John is using Roman time, not Jewish, for here evening follows day instead of preceding it. {When the doors were shut} (\t“n thur“n kekleismen“n\). Genitive absolute again with perfect passive participle of \klei“\, shut to keep the Jews out. News of the empty tomb had already spread (Matthew:28:11|). See strkjv@John:7:13| for the phrase "for fear of the Jews"; cf. strkjv@12:42|. {Stood in the midst} (\estˆ eis to meson\). Second aorist (ingressive) active (intransitive) of \histˆmi\, "stepped into the midst." {Peace be unto you} (\Eirˆnˆ humin\). The usual oriental salutation as in verses 21,26; strkjv@Luke:24:36|, here with probable reference to strkjv@John:14:27| (Christ's legacy of peace).

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