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* And on the first [day ] of the week Mary of Magdala comes in early morn to the tomb , while it was still dark , and sees the stone taken away from the tomb . * She runs therefore and comes to Simon Peter , and to the other disciple , to whom Jesus was attached , and says to them , They have taken away the Lord out of the tomb , and we know not where they have laid him . * Peter therefore went forth , and the other disciple , and came to the tomb . * And the two ran together , and the other disciple ran forward faster than Peter , and came first to the tomb , * and stooping down he sees the linen cloths lying ; he did not however go in . * Simon Peter therefore comes , following him , and entered into the tomb , and sees the linen cloths lying , * and the handkerchief which was upon his head , not lying with the linen cloths , but folded up in a distinct place by itself . * Then entered in therefore the other disciple also who came first to the tomb , and he saw and believed ; * for they had not yet known the scripture , that he must rise from among [the ] dead . * The disciples therefore went away again to their own home . * But Mary stood at the tomb weeping without . As therefore she wept , she stooped down into the tomb , * and beholds two angels sitting in white [garments ], one at the head and one at the feet , where the body of Jesus had lain . * And they say to her , Woman , why dost thou weep ? She says to them , Because they have taken away my Lord , and I know not where they have laid him . * Having said these things she turned backward and beholds Jesus standing [there ], and knew not that it was Jesus . * Jesus says to her , Woman , why dost thou weep ? Whom seekest thou ? She , supposing that it was the gardener , says to him , Sir , if thou hast borne him hence , tell me where thou hast laid him , and I will take him away . * Jesus says to her , Mary . She , turning round , says to him in Hebrew , Rabboni , which means Teacher . * Jesus says to her , Touch me not , for I have not yet ascended to my Father ; but go to my brethren and say to them , I ascend to my Father and your Father , and [to ] my God and your God . * Mary of Magdala comes bringing word to the disciples that she had seen the Lord , and [that ] he had said these things to her . * When therefore it was evening on that day , which was the first [day ] of the week , and the doors shut where the disciples were , through fear of the Jews , Jesus came and stood in the midst , and says to them , Peace [be ] to you . * And having said this , he shewed to them his hands and his side . The disciples rejoiced therefore , having seen the Lord . * [Jesus ] said therefore again to them , Peace [be ] to you : as the Father sent me forth , I also send you . * And having said this , he breathed into [them ], and says to them , Receive [the ] Holy Spirit : * whose soever sins ye remit , they are remitted to them ; whose soever [sins ] ye retain , they are retained . * But Thomas , one of the twelve , called Didymus , was not with them when Jesus came . * The other disciples therefore said to him , We have seen the Lord . But he said to them , Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails , and put my finger into the mark of the nails , and put my hand into his side , I will not believe . * And eight days after , his disciples were again within , and Thomas with them . Jesus comes , the doors being shut , and stood in the midst and said , Peace [be ] to you . * Then he says to Thomas , Bring thy finger here and see my hands ; and bring thy hand and put it into my side ; and be not unbelieving , but believing . * Thomas answered and said to him , My Lord and my God . * Jesus says to him , Because thou hast seen me thou hast believed : blessed they who have not seen and have believed . * Many other signs therefore also Jesus did before his disciples , which are not written in this book ; * but these are written that ye may believe that Jesus is the Christ , the Son of God , and that believing ye might have life in his name .

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