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* So when they had eaten their breakfast , Jesus said to Simon Peter , "Simon , son of Jonah , do you love me more than these ?" He said to him , "Yes , Lord ; you know that I have affection for you ." He said to him , "Feed my lambs ." * He said to him again a second time , "Simon , son of Jonah , do you love me ?" He said to him , "Yes , Lord ; you know that I have affection for you ." He said to him , "Tend my sheep ." * He said to him the third time , "Simon , son of Jonah , do you have affection for me ?" Peter was grieved because he asked him the third time , "Do you have affection for me ?" He said to him , "Lord , you know everything . You know that I have affection for you ." Jesus said to him , "Feed my sheep . * Most certainly I tell you , when you were young , you dressed yourself , and walked where you wanted to . But when you are old , you will stretch out your hands , and another will dress you , and carry you where you don 't want to go ." * Now he said this , signifying by what kind of death he would glorify God . When he had said this , he said to him , "Follow me ." * Then Peter , turning around , saw a disciple following . This was the disciple whom Jesus sincerely loved , the one who had also leaned on Jesus ' breast at the supper and asked , "Lord , who is going to betray You ?" * Peter seeing him , said to Jesus , "Lord , what about this man ?" * Jesus said to him , "If I desire that he stay until I come , what is that to you ? You follow me ." * This saying therefore went out among the brothers {The word for "brothers " here may be also correctly translated "brothers and sisters " or "siblings ."}, that this disciple wouldn 't die . Yet Jesus didn 't say to him that he wouldn 't die , but , "If I desire that he stay until I come , what is that to you ?" * This is the disciple who testifies about these things , and wrote these things . We know that his witness is true . * There are also many other things which Jesus did , which if they would all be written , I suppose that even the world itself wouldn 't have room for the books that would be written .

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[BookofJohn] [John:20] [John:21] [John:22] [Discuss] Tag John:21:15-25 [Audio][Presentation]