
rwp@John:21:17 @{Lovest thou me?} (\phileis me;\). This time Jesus picks up the word \phile“\ used by Peter and challenges that. These two words are often interchanged in the N.T., but here the distinction is preserved. Peter was cut to the heart (\elupˆthˆ\, first aorist passive of \lupe“\, to grieve) because Jesus challenges this very verb, and no doubt the third question vividly reminds him of the three denials in the early morning by the fire. He repeats his love for Jesus with the plea: "Thou knowest all things." {Feed my sheep} (\boske ta probatia\). Many MSS. both here and in verse 16| read \probata\ (sheep) instead of \probatia\ (little sheep or lambs).

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