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* Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus , a ruler of the Jews . * This man came to him by night , and said to him , Rabbi , we know that thou have come a teacher from God , for no man can do these signs that thou do if God is not with him . * Jesus answered and said to him , Truly , truly , I say to thee , If any man is not begotten from above , he cannot see the kingdom of God . * Nicodemus says to him , How can a man be begotten , being old ? Can he enter a second time into his mother 's belly , and be born ? * Jesus answered , Truly , truly , I say to thee , If any man is not begotten from water and Spirit , he cannot enter into the kingdom of God . * That which is begotten from the flesh is flesh , and that which is begotten from the Spirit is spirit . * Marvel not that I said to thee , ye must be begotten from above . * The wind blows where it will , and thou hear the sound of it , but know not from where it comes , and where it goes . So is every man who is begotten from the Spirit . * Nicodemus answered and said to him , How can these things happen ? * Jesus answered and said to him , Thou are the teacher of Israel , and do not understand these things ? * Truly , truly , I say to thee , we speak that which we know , and testify of what we have seen , and ye do not accept our testimony . * If I told you earthly things , and ye do not believe , how will ye believe if I should tell you heavenly things ? * And no man has ascended into heaven , except he who came down out of heaven : the Son of man who is in heaven . * And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness , so must the Son of man be lifted up , * so that every man who believes in him would not perish , but may have eternal life . * For God so loved the world , that he gave his only begotten Son , so that every man who believes in him would not perish , but have eternal life . * For God sent the Son into the world not that he might condemn the world , but that the world might be saved through him . * He who believes in him is not condemned . He who does not believe has been condemned already , because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God . * And this is the condemnation , that the light has come into the world , and men loved the darkness rather than the light , for their deeds were evil . * For every man who does evil hates the light , and does not come to the light , so that his works may not be exposed . * But he who does the truth comes to the light , so that his deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought in God .

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