
rwp@John:3:15 @{That whosoever believeth may in him have eternal life} (\hina pas ho pisteu“n en aut“i echˆi z“ˆn ai“nion\). Final use of \hina\ with present active subjunctive of \ech“\, that he may keep on having eternal life (a frequent phrase in John, always in John \ai“nios\ occurs with \z“ˆ\, 16 times in the Gospel, 6 in 1John, ageless or endless life, beginning now and lasting forever). It is more than endless, for it is sharing in the life of God in Christ (5:26; strkjv@17:3; strkjv@1John:5:12|). Songs:here \en aut“i\ (in him) is taken with \echˆi\ rather than with \pisteu“n\. The interview with Nicodemus apparently closes with verse 15|. In verses 16-21| we have past tenses constantly as is natural for the reflection of John, but unnatural for Jesus speaking. There are phrases like the Prologue (verse 19; strkjv@1:9-11|). "Only begotten" does not occur elsewhere in the words of Jesus, but is in strkjv@1:14,18; strkjv@1John:4:9|. John often puts in explanatory comments (1:16-18; strkjv@12:37-41|).

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