
rwp@John:4:10 @{Answered and said} (\apekrithˆ kai eipen\). As often (redundant) in John. The first aorist passive (\apekrithˆ\) is deponent, no longer passive in sense. {If thou knewest} (\ei ˆideis\). Condition of second class, determined as unfulfilled, \ei\ and past perfect \ˆideis\ (used as imperfect) in condition and \an\ and aorist active indicative in conclusion (\an ˆitˆsas kai an ed“ken\, note repetition of \an\, not always done). {The gift of God} (\tˆn d“rean tou theou\). Naturally the gift mentioned in strkjv@3:16| (Westcott), the inexpressible gift (2Corinthians:9:15|). Some take it to refer to the living water below, but that is another allusion (metaphor) to strkjv@3:16|. See strkjv@Ephesians:4:7| for Paul's use of both \charis\ and \d“rea\ (from \did“mi\, to give). {Who it is} (\tis estin\). She only knew that he was a Jew. This Messianic self-consciousness of Jesus is plain in John, but it is early in the Synoptics also. {Living water} (\hud“r z“n\). Running water like a spring or well supplied by springs. This Jacob's Well was filled by water from rains percolating through, a sort of cistern, good water, but not equal to a real spring which was always preferred (Genesis:26:19; strkjv@Leviticus:14:5; strkjv@Numbers:19:17|). Jesus, of course, is symbolically referring to himself as the Living Water though he does not say it in plain words as he does about the Living Bread (6:51|). The phrase "the fountain of life" occurs in strkjv@Proverbs:13:14|. Jesus supplies the water of life (John:7:39|). Cf. strkjv@Revelation:7:17; strkjv@22:1|.

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