
rwp@John:4:14 @{That I shall give him} (\hou eg“ d“s“ aut“i\). Relative \hou\ attracted to the case (genitive) of the antecedent (\hudatos\). Future active indicative of \did“mi\. {Shall never thirst} (\ou mˆ dipsˆsei eis ton aiona\). The double negative \ou mˆ\ is used with either the future indicative as here or the aorist subjunctive, the strongest possible negative. See both constructions (\ou mˆ peinasˆi\ and \ou me dipsˆsei\) in strkjv@John:6:35|. Jesus has not answered the woman's question save by the necessary implication here that he is superior to Jacob. {A well of water springing up unto eternal life} (\pˆgˆ hudatos hallomenou eis z“ˆn ai“nion\). "Spring (or fountain) of water leaping (bubbling up) unto life eternal." Present middle participle of \hallomai\, old verb, in N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:3:8; strkjv@14:10|. The woman's curiosity is keenly excited about this new kind of water.

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