
rwp@John:4:22 @{That which ye know not} (\ho ouk oidate\). Cf. strkjv@Acts:17:23|. "You know whom to worship, but you do not know him" (Westcott). The Samaritans rejected the prophets and the Psalms and so cut themselves off from the fuller knowledge of God. {We} (\hˆmeis\). We Jews. Jesus is a Jew as he fully recognizes (Matthew:15:24|). {That which we know} (\ho oidamen\). Neuter singular relative as before. The Jews, as the chosen people, had fuller revelations of God (Psalms:147:19f.; strkjv@Romans:9:3-5|). But even so the Jews as a whole failed to recognize God in Christ (1:11,26; strkjv@7:28|). {For salvation is from the Jews} (\hoti hˆ s“tˆria ek t“n Ioudai“n estin\). "The salvation," the Messianic salvation which had long been the hope and guiding star of the chosen people (Luke:1:69,71,77; strkjv@Acts:13:26,47|). It was for the whole world (John:3:17|), but it comes "out of" (\ek\) the Jews. This tremendous fact should never be forgotten, however unworthy the Jews may have proved of their privilege. The Messiah, God's Son, was a Jew.

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