
rwp@John:5:14 @{Findeth him} (\heuriskei auton\). Dramatic present as in strkjv@1:45|, possibly after search as in strkjv@9:35|. {Sin no more} (\mˆketi hamartane\). "No longer go on sinning." Present active imperative with \mˆketi\, a clear implication that disease was due to personal sin as is so often the case. Jesus used the same words to the woman taken in adultery in the spurious passage (John:8:11|). He had suffered for 38 years. All sickness is not due to personal sin (9:3|), but much is and nature is a hard paymaster. Jesus is here living up to his name (Matthew:1:21|). {Lest a worse thing befall thee} (\hina mˆ cheiron soi ti genˆtai\). Negative final clause with second aorist middle subjunctive of \ginomai\. \Cheiron\ is comparative of \kakos\, bad. Worse than the illness of 38 years, bad as that is. He will now be sinning against knowledge.

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