
rwp@John:5:24 @{Hath eternal life} (\echei z“ˆn ai“nion\). Has now this spiritual life which is endless. See strkjv@3:36|. In verses 24,25| Jesus speaks of spiritual life and spiritual death. In this passage (21-29|) Jesus speaks now of physical life and death, now of spiritual, and one must notice carefully the quick transition. In strkjv@Revelation:20:14| we have the phrase "the second death" with which language compare strkjv@Revelation:20:4-6|. {But hath passed out of death into life} (\alla metabebˆken ek tou thanatou eis tˆn z“ˆn\). Perfect active indicative of \metabain“\, to pass from one place or state to another. Out of spiritual death into spiritual life and so no judgement (\krisis\).

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