
rwp@John:6:34 refers to Rabbi in "26". This is actually "25". Changed.

rwp@John:6:34 @{Lord} (\Kurie\). Used now instead of _Rabbi_ though how much the people meant by it is not clear. {Evermore give us this bread} (\pantote dos hˆmin ton arton touton\). Second aorist active imperative second singular like \dos\ in strkjv@Matthew:6:11| (urgent petition). What kind of bread do they mean? The Jewish commentaries and Philo speak of the manna as typifying heavenly bread for the soul. Paul in strkjv@1Corinthians:10:3| seems to refer to the manna as "spiritual food." Like the woman at the well (4:15|) they long "always" to have "this bread," a perpetual supply. It is probably to this crowd as the water in strkjv@4:15| was to the woman.

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