
rwp@John:8:41 @{Ye do the works of your father} (\humeis poieite ta erga tou patros hum“n\). Who is not Abraham and not God as Jesus plainly indicates. {We were not born of fornication} (\hˆmeis ek porneias egennˆthˆmen\). First aorist passive indicative of \genna“\. This they said as a proud boast. Jesus had admitted that they were physical (Deuteronomy:23:2|) descendants of Abraham (37|), but now denies that they are spiritual children of Abraham (like Paul in strkjv@Romans:9:7|). \Porneia\ is from \pornos\ (harlot) and that from \pernˆmi\, to sell, a woman who sells her body for sexual uses. It is vaguely possible that in this stern denial the Pharisees may have an indirect fling at Jesus as the bastard son of Mary (so Talmud). {We have one Father, even God} (\hena patera echomen ton theon\). No "even" in the Greek, "One Father we have, God." This in direct reply to the implication of Jesus (verse 38|) that God was not their spiritual Father.

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