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* Therefore Jesus said to them , "If God were your Father , you would have loved Me , for I came forth and have come from God ; nor have I come from Myself , but He sent Me . * Why do you not understand what I say ? Because you are unable to hear My word . * You are of your father the devil , and the lusts of your father you desire to do . He was a murderer from the beginning , and has not stood in the truth , because there is no truth in him . When he tells a lie , he speaks from his own [resources ], for he is a liar , and the father of lies . * But because I tell the truth , you do not believe Me . * Which of you convicts Me of sin ? And if I tell the truth , why do you not believe Me ? * He who is of God hears God 's words ; therefore you do not hear [them ], because you are not of God ."

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[BookofJohn] [John:7] [John:8] [John:9] [Discuss] Tag John:8:42-47 [Audio][Presentation]