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* Why do ye not understand (5719 ) my speech ? even because ye cannot (5736 ) hear (5721 ) my word . * Ye are (5748 ) of your father the devil , and the lusts of your father ye will (5719 ) do (5721 ). He was (5713 ) a murderer from the beginning , and abode (5707 ) (5758 ) not in the truth , because there is (5748 ) no truth in him . When he speaketh (5725 ) a lie , he speaketh (5719 ) of his own : for he is (5748 ) a liar , and the father of it . * And because I tell (5719 ) you the truth , ye believe (5719 ) me not .

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[BookofJohn] [John:7] [John:8] [John:9] [Discuss] Tag John:8:43-45-47 [Audio][Presentation]