
rwp@John:8:7 @{When they continued asking} (\h“s epemenon er“t“ntes\). Imperfect active indicative of \epimen“\ (waiting in addition or still, \epi\, old verb) with supplementary active participle of \er“ta“\, to question. See same construction in strkjv@Acts:12:16| The verb \epimen“\ does not occur in John. They saw that Jesus seemed embarrassed, but did not know that it was as much because of "the brazen hardness of the prosecutors" as because of the shame of the deed. {He lifted himself up} (\anekupsen\). First aorist active indicative of \anakupt“\, the opposite of \katakupt“\, to bend down (verse 8|) or of \kat“ kupt“\ (verse 6|). {He that is without sin} (\ho anamartˆtos\). Verbal adjective (\an\ privative and \hamartˆtos\ from \hamartan“\), old word, either one who has not sinned as here and strkjv@Deuteronomy:29:19| or one who cannot sin, not in the N.T. {Among you} (\hum“n\). Objective genitive. {First cast} (\pr“tos balet“\). The nominative \pr“tos\ means first before others, be the first to cast, not cast before he does something else. See strkjv@20:4|. The verb is second aorist imperative of \ball“\, old verb to fling or cast. Jesus thus picks out the executioner in the case.

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