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* Verse 1-6 - When sinners leave the service of Satan and the friendship of the world , that they make peace with God and join Israel , they must not marvel if the world hate them , if their former friends become foes . By such methods Satan discourages many who are convinced of their danger , and almost persuaded to be Christians , but fear the cross . These things should quicken us to apply to God for protection , help , and deliverance . * Verse 7-14 - The meanest and most feeble , who have just begun to trust the Lord , are as much entitled to be protected as those who have long and faithfully been his servants . It is our duty to defend the afflicted , who , like the Gibeonites , are brought into trouble on our account , or for the sake of the gospel . Joshua would not forsake his new vassals . How much less shall our true Joshua fail those who trust in Him ! We may be wanting in our trust , but our trust never can want success . Yet God 's promises are not to slacken and do away , but to quicken and encourage our endeavours . Notice the great faith of Joshua , and the power of God answering it by the miraculous staying of the sun , that the day of Israel 's victories might be made longer . Joshua acted on this occasion by impulse on his mind from the Spirit of God . It was not necessary that Joshua should speak , or the miracle be recorded , according to the modern terms of astronomy . The sun appeared to the Israelites over Gibeon , and the moon over the valley of Ajalon , and there they appeared to be stopped on their course for one whole day . Is any thing too hard for the Lord ? forms a sufficient answer to ten thousand difficulties , which objectors have in every age started against the truth of God as revealed in his written word . Proclamation was hereby made to the neighbouring nations , Behold the works of the Lord , and say , What nation is there so great as Israel , who has God so nigh unto them ? * Verse 15-27 - None moved his tongue against any of the children of Israel . This shows their perfect safety . The kings were called to an account , as rebels against the Israel of God . Refuges of lies will but secure for God 's judgment . God punished the abominable wickedness of these kings , the measure of whose iniquity was now full . And by this public act of justice , done upon these ringleaders of the Canaanites in sin , he would possess his people with the greater dread and detestation of the sins of the nations that God cast out from before them . Here is a type and figure of Christ 's victories over the powers of darkness , and of believers ' victories through him . In our spiritual conflicts we must not be satisfied with obtaining some important victory . We must pursue our scattered enemies , searching out the remains of sin as they rise up in our hearts , and thus pursue the conquest . In so doing , the Lord will afford light until the warfare be accomplished . * Verse 28-43 - Joshua made speed in taking these cities . See what a great deal of work may be done in a little time , if we will be diligent , and improve our opportunities . God here showed his hatred of the idolatries and other abominations of which the Canaanites had been guilty , and shows us how great the provocation was , by the greatness of the destruction brought upon them . Here also was typified the destruction of all the enemies of the Lord Jesus , who , having slighted the riches of his grace , must for ever feel the weight of his wrath . The Lord fought for Israel . They could not have gotten the victory , if God had not undertaken the battle . We conquer when God fights for us ; if he be for us , who can be against us ? **** Matthew Henry 's Commentary ****

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