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* And it came to pass after the death of Joshua that the children of Israel asked Jehovah , saying , Which of us shall go up against the Canaanites first , to fight against them ? * And Jehovah said , Judah shall go up : behold , I have delivered the land into his hand . * And Judah said to Simeon his brother , Come up with me into my lot , and let us fight against the Canaanites , and I likewise will go with thee into thy lot ; and Simeon went with him . * And Judah went up ; and Jehovah delivered the Canaanites and the Perizzites into their hand , and they smote them in Bezek , ten thousand men . * And they found Adoni-Bezek in Bezek , and fought against him , and they smote the Canaanites and the Perizzites . * And Adoni-Bezek fled , and they pursued after him , and caught him , and cut off his thumbs and his great toes . * And Adoni-Bezek said , Seventy kings , with their thumbs and their great toes cut off , gleaned under my table : as I have done , so God has requited me . And they brought him to Jerusalem , and there he died . * And the children of Judah fought against Jerusalem , and took it , and smote it with the edge of the sword , and set the city on fire . * And afterwards the children of Judah went down to fight against the Canaanites , that dwelt in the hill-country , and in the south , and in the lowland . * And Judah went against the Canaanites that dwelt in Hebron -- the name of Hebron before was Kirjath-Arba ; and they slew Sheshai and Ahiman and Talmai . * And from there he went against the inhabitants of Debir ; now the name of Debir before was Kirjath-sepher . * And Caleb said , He that smites Kirjath-sepher and takes it , to him will I give Achsah my daughter as wife . * And Othniel the son of Kenaz , Caleb 's younger brother , took it ; and he gave him Achsah his daughter as wife . * And it came to pass as she came , that she urged him to ask of her father the field ; and she sprang down from the ass . And Caleb said to her , What wouldest thou ? * And she said to him , Give me a blessing ; for thou hast given me a southern land ; give me also springs of water . And Caleb gave her the upper springs and the lower springs . * And the children of the Kenite , Moses ' father-in-law , had gone up out of the city of palm-trees with the children of Judah into the wilderness of Judah , which is in the south of Arad ; and they went and dwelt with the people . * And Judah went with Simeon his brother , and they slew the Canaanites that inhabited Zephath , and utterly destroyed it ; and they called the name of the city Hormah . * And Judah took Gazah and its border , and Ashkelon and its border , and Ekron and its border . * And Jehovah was with Judah ; and he took possession of the hill-country , for he did not dispossess the inhabitants of the valley , because they had chariots of iron . * And they gave to Caleb Hebron , as Moses had said ; and he dispossessed from thence the three sons of Anak . * And the children of Benjamin did not dispossess the Jebusites , the inhabitants of Jerusalem ; but the Jebusites dwell with the children of Benjamin in Jerusalem to this day . * And the house of Joseph , they also went up against Bethel ; and Jehovah was with them . * And the house of Joseph sent to search out Bethel ; now the name of the city before was Luz . * And the guards saw a man come forth out of the city , and said unto him , Shew us , we pray thee , how [we ] may enter into the city , and we will shew thee kindness . * And he shewed them how to enter into the city . And they smote the city with the edge of the sword ; but they let go the man and all his family . * And the man went into the land of the Hittites , and built a city , and called its name Luz , which is its name to this day . * And Manasseh did not dispossess Beth-shean and its dependent villages , nor Taanach and its dependent villages , nor the inhabitants of Dor and its dependent villages , nor the inhabitants of Ibleam and its dependent villages , nor the inhabitants of Megiddo and its dependent villages ; and the Canaanites would dwell in that land . * And it came to pass when Israel became strong , that they made the Canaanites tributary ; but they did not utterly dispossess them . * And Ephraim did not dispossess the Canaanites that dwelt in Gezer ; but the Canaanites dwelt among them in Gezer . * Zebulun did not dispossess the inhabitants of Kitron , nor the inhabitants of Nahalol ; but the Canaanites dwelt among them , and became tributaries . * Asher did not dispossess the inhabitants of Accho , nor the inhabitants of Zidon , nor Ahlab , nor Achzib , nor Helbah , nor Aphik , nor Rehob ; * and the Asherites dwelt among the Canaanites , the inhabitants of the land ; for they did not dispossess them . * Naphtali did not dispossess the inhabitants of Beth-shemesh , nor the inhabitants of Beth-anath ; and he dwelt among the Canaanites , the inhabitants of the land , but the inhabitants of Beth-shemesh and of Beth-anath became tributaries to them . * And the Amorites forced the children of Dan into the hill-country , for they would not suffer them to come down to the valley . * And the Amorites would dwell on mount Heres , in Ajalon and in Shaalbim ; but the hand of the house of Joseph prevailed , and they became tributaries . * And the border of the Amorites was from the ascent of Akrabbim , from the rock , and upwards .

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