
strkjv@Judges:10:8 @ And that year they vexed and oppressed the children of Israel: eighteen sh@ years, all the children of Israel that were on the other side Jordan in the land of the Amorites, which is in Gilead.

strkjv@Judges:10:9 @ Moreover the children of Ammon passed over Jordan to fight also against Judah, and against Benjamin, and against the house of Ephraim; so that Israel was sore distressed.

strkjv@Judges:10:10 @ And the children of Israel cried unto the LORD, saying, We have sinned against thee, both because we have forsaken our God, and also served Baalim.

strkjv@Judges:10:11 @ And the LORD said unto the children of Israel, Did not I deliver you from the Egyptians, and from the Amorites, from the children of Ammon, and from the Philistines?

strkjv@Judges:10:12 @ The Zidonians also, and the Amalekites, and the Maonites, did oppress you; and ye cried to me, and I delivered you out of their hand.

strkjv@Judges:10:13 @ Yet ye have forsaken me, and served other gods: wherefore I will deliver you no more.

strkjv@Judges:10:14 @ Go and cry unto the gods which ye have chosen; let them deliver you in the time of your tribulation.

strkjv@Judges:10:15 @ And the children of Israel said unto the LORD, We have sinned: do thou unto us whatsoever seemeth good unto thee; deliver us only, we pray thee, this day.

strkjv@Judges:10:16 @ And they put away the strange gods from among them, and served the LORD: and his soul was grieved for the misery of Israel.

tsk@Judges:10:8 @ *1 that year strkjv@Judges:10:5; strkjv@Isaiah:30:13; strkjv@1Thessalonians:5:3

tsk@Judges:10:9 @ *1 passed strkjv@Judges:3:12-13; strkjv@Judges:6:3-5; strkjv@2Chronicles:14:9; strkjv@2Chronicles:20:1-2 *2 distressed strkjv@Deuteronomy:28:65; strkjv@1Samuel:28:15; strkjv@2Chronicles:15:5

tsk@Judges:10:10 @ *1 cried strkjv@Judges:3:9; strkjv@1Samuel:12:10; strkjv@Psalms:106:43-44; strkjv@1:107:13 strkjv@Psalms:107:19,28

tsk@Judges:10:11 @ *1 Did not I strkjv@Judges:2:1-3 *2 Egyptians strkjv@Exodus:14:30; strkjv@1Samuel:12:8; strkjv@Nehemiah:9:9-11; strkjv@Psalms:78:51-53; strkjv@Psalms:106:8-11; strkjv@Hebrews:11:29 *3 Amorites strkjv@Numbers:21:21-25 strkjv@Numbers:21:35 strkjv@Psalms:135:10-11 *4 children strkjv@Judges:3:11-15 *5 Philistines strkjv@Judges:3:31

tsk@Judges:10:12 @ *1 Zidonians strkjv@Judges:5:19-31 *2 Amalekites strkjv@Judges:6:3 *3 the Maonites strkjv@2Chronicles:26:6-7; strkjv@Psalms:106:42-43

tsk@Judges:10:13 @ *1 Yet ye have forsaken me, and served other gods: wherefore I will deliver you no more. strkjv@Judges:2:12; strkjv@Deuteronomy:32:15; strkjv@1Chronicles:28:9; strkjv@Jeremiah:2:13; strkjv@Jonah:2:8

tsk@Judges:10:14 @ *1 Go and cry unto the gods which ye have chosen; let them deliver you in the time of your tribulation. strkjv@Deuteronomy:32:26-28 strkjv@Deuteronomy:32:37-38 strkjv@1Kings:18:27-28; strkjv@2Kings:3:13; strkjv@Proverbs:1:25-27; strkjv@Isaiah:10:3; strkjv@Jeremiah:2:28

tsk@Judges:10:15 @ *1 We have sinned strkjv@2Samuel:12:13; strkjv@2Samuel:24:10; strkjv@Job:33:27; strkjv@Proverbs:28:13; strkjv@1John:1:8-10 *2 do thou strkjv@Joshua:9:25; strkjv@1Samuel:3:18; strkjv@2Samuel:10:12; strkjv@2Samuel:15:26; strkjv@Jonah:2:4; strkjv@Jonah:3:9 *3 deliver strkjv@2Samuel:24:14; strkjv@Job:34:31-32

tsk@Judges:10:16 @ *1 they put strkjv@2Chronicles:7:14; strkjv@2Chronicles:15:8; strkjv@2Chronicles:33:15; strkjv@Jeremiah:18:7-8; strkjv@Ezekiel:18:30-32; strkjv@1:14:1-3 strkjv@Hosea:14:8 *2 his soul strkjv@Genesis:6:6; strkjv@Psalms:106:44-45; strkjv@Isaiah:63:9; strkjv@Jeremiah:31:20; strkjv@Hosea:11:8; strkjv@Luke:15:20; strkjv@Luke:19:41; strkjv@John:11:34; strkjv@Ephesians:4:32; strkjv@Hebrews:3:10; strkjv@Hebrews:4:15

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