
bes@Judges:5:1 @ And Debbora and Barac son of Abineem sang in that day, saying,

bes@Judges:5:2 @ A revelation was made in Israel when the people were made willing: Praise ye the Lord.

bes@Judges:5:3 @ Hear, ye kings, and hearken, rulers: I will sing, it is I who will sing to the Lord, it is I, I will sing a psalm to the Lord the God of Israel.

bes@Judges:5:4 @ O Lord, in thy going forth on Seir, when thou wentest forth out of the land of Edom, the earth quaked and the heaven dropped dews, and the clouds dropped water.

bes@Judges:5:5 @ The mountains were shaken before the face of the Lord Eloi, this Sina before the face of the Lord God of Israel.

bes@Judges:5:6 @ In the days of Samegar son of Anath, in the days of Jael, they deserted the ways, and went in by-ways; they went in crooked paths.

bes@Judges:5:7 @ The mighty men in Israel failed, they failed until Debbora arose, until she arose a mother in Israel.

bes@Judges:5:8 @ They chose new gods; then the cities of rulers fought; (note:)Gr. if there should be seen(:note) there was not a shield or spear seen among forty thousand in Israel.

bes@Judges:5:9 @ My heart inclines to the orders given in Israel; ye that are willing among the people, bless the Lord.

bes@Judges:5:10 @ Ye that mount a she-ass at noon-day, ye that sit on the judgement-seat, and walk by the roads of them that sit in judgement by the way; declare

bes@Judges:5:11 @ ye that are delivered from the noise of (note:)Gr. noisy ones(:note) disturbers among the drawers of water; there shall they relate righteous acts: O Lord, increase righteous acts in Israel: then the people of the Lord went down to the cities.

bes@Judges:5:12 @ Awake, awake, Debbora; awake, awake, utter a song: arise, Barac, and lead thy captivity captive, son of Abineem.

bes@Judges:5:13 @ Then went down the remnant to the strong, the people of the Lord went down for him among the mighty ones from me.

bes@Judges:5:14 @ Ephraim rooted them out in Amalec, behind thee was Benjamin among thy people: the inhabitants of Machir came down with me searching out the enemy, and from Zabulon came they that (note:)Rather, draw or handle the scribe’s pen, etc.(:note) draw with the scribe’s pen of record.

bes@Judges:5:15 @ And princes in Issachar were with Debbora and Barac, thus she sent Barac on his feet in the valleys into the portions of Ruben; great pangs (note:)Gr. reaching(:note) reached to the heart.

bes@Judges:5:16 @ Why did they sit between the sheep-folds to hear the bleating of flocks for the divisions of Ruben? there were great searchings of heart.

bes@Judges:5:17 @ Galaad is on the other side of Jordan where he pitched his tents; and why does Dan remain in ships? Aser sat down on the sea-coasts, and he will tabernacle at his (note:)Or, places of egress, etc.(:note) ports.

bes@Judges:5:18 @ The people Zabulon (note:)Lit. reproached(:note) exposed their soul to death, and Nephthali came to the high places of their land.

bes@Judges:5:19 @ Kings set themselves in array, then the kings of Chanaan fought in Thanaach at the water of Mageddo; they took no gift of money.

bes@Judges:5:20 @ The stars from heaven set themselves in array, they set themselves to fight with Sisara out of their paths.

bes@Judges:5:21 @ The brook of Kison swept them away, the ancient brook, the brook Kison: my mighty soul will trample him down.

bes@Judges:5:22 @ When the hoofs of the horse were entangled, his mighty ones earnestly hasted

bes@Judges:5:23 @ to curse Meroz: Curse ye it, said the angel of the Lord; cursed is every one that dwells in it, because they came not to the help of the Lord, to his help among the mighty.

bes@Judges:5:24 @ Blessed among women be Jael wife of Chaber the Kenite; let her be blessed above women in tents.

bes@Judges:5:25 @ He asked for water, she gave him milk in a dish; she brought butter of princes.

bes@Judges:5:26 @ She stretched forth her left hand to (note:)Or, pin of the tent(:note) the nail, and her right to the hand workman’s hammer, and she Lit. hammered smote Sisara with it, she nailed through his head and smote him; she nailed through his temples.

bes@Judges:5:27 @ He rolled down between her feet; he fell and lay between her feet; he bowed and fell: where he bowed, there he fell (note:)q. d., having departed this life(:note) dead.

bes@Judges:5:28 @ The mother of Sisara looked down through the window out of the loophole, saying, Why was his chariot ashamed? why did the (note:)Or, feet of his horses; lit., feet of his chariots(:note) wheels of his chariots tarry?

bes@Judges:5:29 @ Her wise ladies answered her, and she returned answers to herself, saying,

bes@Judges:5:30 @ Will they not find him dividing the spoil? he will surely (note:)i. e., be gracious and kind in allowing the claim of each to his share(:note) be gracious to every man: there are spoils of dyed garments for Sisara, spoils of various dyed garments, dyed embroidered garments, they are the spoils for his neck.

bes@Judges:5:31 @ Thus let all thine enemies perish, O Lord: and they that love him shall be as the going forth of the sun in his strength.

bes@Judges:5:32 @ And the land had rest forty years.

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