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* Verse 1-3 - In this chapter we have the institution of holy times ; many of which have been mentioned before . Though the yearly feasts were made more remarkable by general attendance at the sanctuary , yet these must not be observed more than the sabbath . On that day they must withdraw from all business of the world . It is a sabbath of rest , typifying spiritual rest from sin , and rest in God . God 's sabbaths are to be religiously observed in every private house , by every family apart , as well as by families together , in holy assemblies . The sabbath of the Lord in our dwellings will be their beauty , strength , and safety ; it will sanctify , build up , and glorify them . * Verse 4-14 - The feast of the Passover was to continue seven days ; not idle days , spent in sport , as many that are called Christians spend their holy-days . Offerings were made to the Lord at his altar ; and the people were taught to employ their time in prayer , and praise , and godly meditation . The sheaf of first-fruits was typical of the Lord Jesus , who is risen from the dead as the First-fruits of them that slept . Our Lord Jesus rose from the dead on the very day that the first-fruits were offered . We are taught by this law to honour the Lord with our substance , and with the first-fruits of all our increase , Proverbs strkjv @3:9 . They were not to eat of their new corn , till God 's part was offered to him out of it ; and we must always begin with God : begin every day with him , begin every meal with him , begin every affair and business with him ; seek first the kingdom of God . * Verse 15-22 - The feast of Weeks was held in remembrance of the giving of the law , fifty days after the departure from Egypt ; and looked forward to the outpouring of the Holy Ghost , fifty days after Christ our Passover was sacrificed for us . On that day the apostles presented the first-fruits of the Christian church to God . To the institution of the feast of Pentecost , is added a repetition of that law , by which they were required to leave the gleanings of their fields . Those who are truly sensible of the mercy they received from God , will show mercy to the poor without grudging . * Verse 23-32 - the blowing of trumpets represented the preaching of the gospel , by which men are called to repent of sin , and to accept the salvation of Christ , which was signified by the day of atonement . Also it invited to rejoice in God , and become strangers and pilgrims on earth , which was denoted by the feast of Tabernacles , observed in the same month . At the beginning of the year , they were called by this sound of trumpet to shake off spiritual drowsiness , to search and try their ways , and to amend them . The day of atonement was the ninth day after this ; thus they were awakened to prepare for that day , by sincere and serious repentance , that it might indeed be to them a day of atonement . The humbling of our souls for sin , and the making our peace with God , is work that requires the whole man , and the closest application of mind . On that day God spake peace to his people , and to his saints ; therefore they must lay aside all their wordly business , that they might the more clearly hear that voice of joy and gladness . * Verse 33-44 - In the feast of Tabernacles there was a remembrance of their dwelling in tents , or booths , in the wilderness , as well as their fathers dwelling in tents in Canaan ; to remind them of their origin and their deliverance . Christ 's tabernacling on earth in human nature , might also be prefigured . And it represents the believer 's life on earth : a stranger and pilgrim here below , his home and heart are above with his Saviour . They would the more value the comforts and conveniences of their own houses , when they had been seven days dwelling in the booths . It is good for those who have ease and plenty , sometimes to learn what it is to endure hardness . The joy of harvest ought to be improved for the furtherance of our joy in God . The earth is the Lord 's , and the fullness thereof ; therefore whatever we have the comfort of , he must have the glory of , especially when any mercy is perfected . God appointed these feasts , "Beside the sabbaths and your free-will offerings ." Calls to extraordinary services will not excuse from constant and stated ones . **** Matthew Henry 's Commentary ****

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