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bbe @Luke:1:1 @As a number of attempts have been made to put together in order an account of those events which took place among us , bbe @Luke:1:2 @As they were handed down to us by those who saw them from the first and were preachers of the word , bbe @Luke:1:3 @It seemed good to me , having made observation , with great care , of the direction of events in their order , to put the facts in writing for you , most noble Theophilus ; bbe @Luke:1:4 @So that you might have certain knowledge of those things about which you were given teaching . bbe @Luke:1:5 @In the days of Herod , king of Judaea , there was a certain priest , by name Zacharias , of the order of Abijah ; and he had a wife of the family of Aaron , and her name was Elisabeth . bbe @Luke:1:6 @They were upright in the eyes of God , keeping all the rules and orders of God , and doing no wrong . bbe @Luke:1:7 @And they were without children , because Elisabeth had never given birth , and they were at that time very old . bbe @Luke:1:8 @Now it came about that in his turn he was acting as priest before God , bbe @Luke:1:9 @And as was the way of the priests , he had to go into the Temple to see to the burning of perfumes . bbe @Luke:1:10 @And all the people were offering prayers outside , at the time of the burning of perfumes . bbe @Luke:1:11 @And he saw an angel of the Lord in his place on the right side of the altar . bbe @Luke:1:12 @And Zacharias was troubled when he saw him , and fear came on him . bbe @Luke:1:13 @But the angel said , Have no fear , Zacharias , for your prayer has come to the ears of God , and your wife Elisabeth will have a son , and his name will be John . bbe @Luke:1:14 @And you will be glad and have great delight ; and numbers of people will have joy at his birth . bbe @Luke:1:15 @For he will be great in the eyes of the Lord ; he will not take wine or strong drink ; and he will be full of the Spirit of God from his birth . bbe @Luke:1:16 @And through him great numbers of the children of Israel will be turned to the Lord their God . bbe @Luke:1:17 @And he will go before his face in the spirit and power of Elijah , turning the hearts of fathers to their children , and wrongdoers to the way of righteousness ; to make ready a people whose hearts have been turned to the Lord . bbe @Luke:1:18 @And Zacharias said to the angel , How may I be certain of this ? For I am an old man , and my wife is far on in years . bbe @Luke:1:19 @And the angel , answering , said , I am Gabriel , whose place is before God ; I have been sent to say these words to you and to give you this good news . bbe @Luke:1:20 @Now , see , you will be without voice or language till the day when these things come about , because you had not faith in my words , which will have effect at the right time . bbe @Luke:1:21 @And the people were waiting for Zacharias and were surprised because he was in the Temple for such a long time . bbe @Luke:1:22 @And when he came out he was not able to say anything , and they saw that he had seen a vision in the Temple ; and he was making signs to them without words . bbe @Luke:1:23 @And when the days of his work in the Temple were ended , he went back to his house . bbe @Luke:1:24 @After that time , Elisabeth , being certain that she was to become a mother , kept herself from men 's eyes for five months , saying , bbe @Luke:1:25 @The Lord has done this to me , for his eyes were on me , to take away my shame in the eyes of men . bbe @Luke:1:26 @Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a town in Galilee , named Nazareth , bbe @Luke:1:27 @To a virgin who was to be married to a man named Joseph , of the family of David ; and the name of the virgin was Mary . bbe @Luke:1:28 @And the angel came in to her and said , Peace be with you , to whom special grace has been given ; the Lord is with you . bbe @Luke:1:29 @But she was greatly troubled at his words , and said to herself , What may be the purpose of these words ? bbe @Luke:1:30 @And the angel said to her , Have no fear , Mary , for you have God 's approval . bbe @Luke:1:31 @And see , you will give birth to a son , and his name will be Jesus . bbe @Luke:1:32 @He will be great , and will be named the Son of the Most High : and the Lord God will give him the kingdom of David , his father : bbe @Luke:1:33 @He will have rule over the house of Jacob for ever , and of his kingdom there will be no end . bbe @Luke:1:34 @And Mary said to the angel , How may this be , because I have had no knowledge of a man ? bbe @Luke:1:35 @And the angel in answer said to her , The Holy Spirit will come on you , and the power of the Most High will come to rest on you , and so that which will come to birth will be named holy , Son of God . bbe @Luke:1:36 @Even now Elisabeth , who is of your family , is to be a mother , though she is old : and this is the sixth month with her who was without children . bbe @Luke:1:37 @For there is nothing which God is not able to do . bbe @Luke:1:38 @And Mary said : I am the servant of the Lord ; may it be to me as you say . And the angel went away . bbe @Luke:1:39 @Then Mary got up and went quickly into the high lands , to a town of Judah ; bbe @Luke:1:40 @And went into the house of Zacharias and took Elisabeth in her arms . bbe @Luke:1:41 @And when the voice of Mary came to the ears of Elisabeth , the baby made a sudden move inside her ; then Elisabeth was full of the Holy Spirit , bbe @Luke:1:42 @And she said with a loud voice : May blessing be on you among women , and a blessing on the child of your body . bbe @Luke:1:43 @How is it that the mother of my Lord comes to me ? bbe @Luke:1:44 @For , truly , when the sound of your voice came to my ears , the baby in my body made a sudden move for joy . bbe @Luke:1:45 @Happy will she be who had faith that the things which the Lord has said to her will be done . bbe @Luke:1:46 @And Mary said : My soul gives glory to God ; bbe @Luke:1:47 @My spirit is glad in God my Saviour . bbe @Luke:1:48 @For he has had pity on his servant , though she is poor and lowly placed : and from this hour will all generations give witness to the blessing which has come to me . bbe @Luke:1:49 @For he who is strong has done great things for me ; and holy is his name . bbe @Luke:1:50 @His mercy is for all generations in whom is the fear of him . bbe @Luke:1:51 @With his arm he has done acts of power ; he has put to flight those who have pride in their hearts . bbe @Luke:1:52 @He has put down kings from their seats , lifting up on high the men of low degree . bbe @Luke:1:53 @Those who had no food he made full of good things ; the men of wealth he sent away with nothing in their hands ; bbe @Luke:1:54 @His help he has given to Israel , his servant , so that he might keep in mind his mercy to Abraham and his seed for ever , bbe @Luke:1:55 @As he gave his word to our fathers . bbe @Luke:1:56 @And Mary was with her for about three months and then went back to her house . bbe @Luke:1:57 @Now it was time for Elisabeth to give birth , and she had a son . bbe @Luke:1:58 @And it came to the ears of her neighbours and relations that the Lord had been very good to her , and they took part in her joy . bbe @Luke:1:59 @And on the eighth day they came to see to the circumcision of the child , and they would have given him the name of Zacharias , his father 's name ; bbe @Luke:1:60 @But his mother made answer and said , No , his name is John . bbe @Luke:1:61 @And they said , Not one of your relations has that name . bbe @Luke:1:62 @And they made signs to his father , to say what name was to be given to him . bbe @Luke:1:63 @And he sent for writing materials and put down : His name is John ; and they were all surprised . bbe @Luke:1:64 @And straight away his mouth was open and his tongue was free and he gave praise to God . bbe @Luke:1:65 @And fear came on all those who were living round about them : and there was much talk about all these things in all the hill-country of Judaea . bbe @Luke:1:66 @And all who had word of them kept them in their minds and said , What will this child be ? For the hand of the Lord was with him . bbe @Luke:1:67 @And his father , Zacharias , was full of the Holy Spirit , and with the voice of a prophet said these words : bbe @Luke:1:68 @Praise be to the Lord , the God of Israel , for he has come to his people and made them free , bbe @Luke:1:69 @Lifting up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David , bbe @Luke:1:70 @(As he said , by the mouth of his holy prophets , from the earliest times ,) bbe @Luke:1:71 @Salvation from those who are against us , and from the hands of those who have hate for us ; bbe @Luke:1:72 @To do acts of mercy to our fathers and to keep in mind his holy word , bbe @Luke:1:73 @The oath which he made to Abraham , our father , bbe @Luke:1:74 @That we , being made free from the fear of those who are against us , might give him worship , bbe @Luke:1:75 @In righteousness and holy living before him all our days . bbe @Luke:1:76 @And you , child , will be named the prophet of the Most High : you will go before the face of the Lord , to make ready his ways ; bbe @Luke:1:77 @To give knowledge of salvation to his people , through the forgiveness of sins , bbe @Luke:1:78 @Because of the loving mercies of our God , by which the dawn from heaven has come to us , bbe @Luke:1:79 @To give light to those in dark places , and in the shade of death , so that our feet may be guided into the way of peace . bbe @Luke:1:80 @And the child became tall , and strong in spirit ; and he was living in the waste land till the day when he came before the eyes of Israel .

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