
rwp@Luke:10:31 @{By chance} (\kata sugkurian\). Here only in the N.T., meaning rather, "by way of coincidence." It is a rare word elsewhere and in late writers like Hippocrates. It is from the verb \sugkure“\, though \sugkurˆsis\ is more common. {Was going down} (\katebainen\). Imperfect active as in verse 30|. Passed by on the other side (\antiparˆlthen\). Second aorist active indicative of \antiparerchomai\, a late double compound here (verses 31,32|) only in the N.T., but in the papyri and late writers. It is the ingressive aorist (\ˆlthen\), came alongside (\para\), and then he stepped over to the opposite side (\anti\) of the road to avoid ceremonial contamination with a stranger. A vivid and powerful picture of the vice of Jewish ceremonial cleanliness at the cost of moral principle and duty. The Levite in verse 32| behaved precisely as the priest had done and for the same reason.

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