
rwp@Luke:10:34 @{Bound up his wounds} (\katedˆsen ta traumata\). First aorist active indicative of \katade“\, old verb, but here only in the N.T. The verb means "bound down." We say "bind up." Medical detail that interested Luke. The word for "wounds" (\traumata\) here only in the N.T. {Pouring on them oil and wine} (\epiche“n elaion kai oinon\). Old verb again, but here only in the N.T. Oil and wine were household remedies even for wounds (soothing oil, antiseptic alcohol). Hippocrates prescribed for ulcers: "Bind with soft wool, and sprinkle with wine and oil." {Set him} (\epibibasas\). An old verb \epibibaz“\ (\epi\, \bibaz“\), to cause to mount. In the N.T. only here and strkjv@Acts:19:35; strkjv@23:24|, common in LXX. {Beast} (\ktˆnos\). Old word from \ktaomai\, to acquire, and so property (\ktˆma\) especially cattle or any beast of burden. {An inn} (\pandocheion\). The old Attic form was \pandokeion\ (from \pan\, all, and \dechomai\, to receive). A public place for receiving all comers and a more pretentious caravanserai than a \kataluma\ like that in strkjv@Luke:2:7|. Here only in the N.T. There are ruins of two inns about halfway between Bethany and Jericho.

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