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* Once he was casting out a dumb demon , and when the demon was gone out , the dumb man spoke , and the people wondered . * But some of them said , "It is by Beelzebub , the prince of demons , that he cast out demons ." * Others , tempting him , kept seeking from him a sign from heaven . * He knew their intentions and said to them . "Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste and house falls upon house . * "And if Satan also is divided against himself , how shall his kingdom stand ? * "Do you say that I am casting out demons by the power of Beelzebub ? If I then am casting out demons by Beelzebub , by whom are your sons casting them out ? They therefore shall be your judges . * "But if it is by the finger of God that I am casting out demons , then the kingdom of God is come upon you . * "When the strong man fully aroused keeps guard over his homestead , his property is undisturbed ; * "but when the stronger man attacks him , he takes away from the strong armor in which he was trusting and divides up the spoil . * "He who is not for me is against me , and he who is not gathering with me is scattering . * "Whenever a foul spirit is gone out of a man , it roams through waterless places , in search of rest ; but when it can find none , it says , I will go back to the house which I have left . * When it comes and finds the house completely swept and garnished . * "Then it goes off and fetches seven other spirits more wicked than itself , and they go in and live there . And the last state of that man is worse than the first ." * It happened while he was saying this , that a certain woman out of the crowd shouted to him , saying , "Blessed is the womb that bore you , and the breast that you have sucked ." * "No , rather ," he answered , "blessed are those who listen to the word of God , and keep it ."

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[BookofLuke] [Luke:10] [Luke:11] [Luke:12] [Discuss] Tag Luke:11:14-28 [Audio][Presentation]