
bwe@Luke:11:14 @ Jesus was driving a bad spirit out of a man who could not talk. When the spirit left him, the man could talk. The people were surprised.

bwe@Luke:11:15 @ But some of them said, This man drives out bad spirits by the help of Beelzebub, the chief of bad spirits.

bwe@Luke:11:16 @ Other people wanted to test Jesus. They asked him to show them a sign from heaven.

bwe@Luke:11:17 @ But Jesus knew what they were thinking. So he said, If one part of any country fights against the other part of the country, that country is spoiled. And if one part of any family fights against the other part of the family, it cannot stand.

bwe@Luke:11:18 @ If Satan fights against himself, how will his kingdom stand? You say I drive out bad spirits by the help of Beelzebub.

bwe@Luke:11:19 @ If I drive out bad spirits by the help of Beelzebub, by whose help do your own people drive them out? Your own people will judge you for this!

bwe@Luke:11:20 @ But if I drive out bad spirits by the help of God, then know this, Gods kingdom is here with you now.

bwe@Luke:11:21 @ A strong man has something in his hand to fight. He guards his place. He will not lose his things.

bwe@Luke:11:22 @ But when a stronger man comes, he catches the man who guards his house. He will take away what is in the mans hand. And he will take his things and give them to his friends.

bwe@Luke:11:23 @ Anyone who is not with me is against me. Anyone who does not work with me, works against me.

bwe@Luke:11:24 @ When a bad spirit has gone out of a man, he goes through dry places. He looks for a place to rest, but he does not find any. Then he says, "I will go back to my house from where I came."

bwe@Luke:11:25 @ When he comes back, he finds it clean and all fixed up.

bwe@Luke:11:26 @ Then he goes and brings seven other spirits who are worse than he is. They go in and live there. Now the man is worse than he was at first.

bwe@Luke:11:27 @ As he said this, a woman among the people called out, Happy is your mother who gave birth to you, and fed you as a baby.

bwe@Luke:11:28 @ But Jesus said, Happy are those who hear Gods word and obey it!

bwe@Luke:11:29 @ More and more people were coming. He started to talk. He said, People today are bad. They want a sign. No sign will be given them but the sign of Jonah the prophet of God.

bwe@Luke:11:30 @ Jonah was a sign to the men in the city of Nineveh. In the same way the Son of Man will be a sign to the people today.

bwe@Luke:11:31 @ When the people are judged, the Queen from the South will stand up and speak against men who live today. She came a long way to hear the wise words of Solomon. The one who is here is greater than Solomon.

bwe@Luke:11:32 @ When people are judged, the men of Nineveh will stand up and speak against the people of today. They stopped their wrong ways when Jonah told them Gods word. And the one who is here is greater than Jonah.

bwe@Luke:11:33 @ No person lights a lamp and hides it in a hole or puts it under a basket. But he puts it on a place for a lamp. Then people who come in can see the light.

bwe@Luke:11:34 @ Your body gets its light through your eyes. When you have good eyes, all your body has light. But when your eyes are bad, your body is in darkness.

bwe@Luke:11:35 @ So be sure that it is not dark in you where it should be light.

bwe@Luke:11:36 @ If no part of your body is dark, it will all be light. It will be like a lamp that shines to give you light.

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